The United States gives Nicolás Maduro an ultimatum to leave power in Venezuela

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A revelation confirmed by high-ranking sources in the United States has opened a window of hope for millions of Venezuelans as well as the international community, who are eager to see what unfolds in Venezuela following the presidential elections on July 28, which were deemed fraudulent. Several countries, including the United States, have played a crucial role in seeking a solution.

From his YouTube channel, prominent Peruvian journalist and host Jaime Bayly, who lives in Miami (Florida), disclosed that highly trustworthy sources informed him that “The Biden administration has issued an ultimatum to the Maduro dictatorship through the head of US diplomacy, Antony Blinken (…) Biden has conveyed a very straightforward message to Maduro: ‘You must relinquish power before November 5, and you have two options: either you go into exile or you face imprisonment.’ A similar report was presented by the Wall Street Journal.

According to Bayly, the Democrat Biden aims to conclude his term with a significant accomplishment in international policy regarding the situation in Venezuela. The condition is for Maduro to transfer power before November 5, the date of the elections in the United States, where Kamala Harris (Biden’s vice president) will compete against former Republican president Donald Trump.

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“If, on the other hand, you peacefully step down from power before November 5, acknowledging your defeat in the last election, then Biden and Blinken have advised Maduro to ‘Ask us for whatever you desire; we will grant all your requests. “We will accommodate all your demands,” Bayly stated. This would imply that Maduro, his closest allies in power, and senior military officials could seek exile in another country. For several months, an unconfirmed report has suggested that Turkey might be the destination, where Maduro’s family and other leaders of Chavismo are believed to have a hidden fortune waiting for them. In that country, they have an ally in President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The narrative shared by Bayly, which had not been officially challenged by the close of this edition, faces numerous obstacles in becoming a reality. Starting with Maduro himself denying a similar offer from opposition leaders María Corina Machado and Edmundo González in recent days.

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Additionally, Venezuela’s geopolitical support weighs heavily. Any country attempting to imprison Maduro or execute a coup d’état, even if it is the United States, will have to contend with Russia, Cuba, China, Iran, Nicaragua, and Turkey.

However, it is also true that ideological allies like the governments of Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil have urged Maduro to allow a transparent process to review the minutes and engage in dialogue with González, but without Machado. Nonetheless, the regime has resisted.

In any case, if the offer alleged to have been made by Biden to Maduro is true, the Democrat would achieve a significant milestone if it occurs before November 5th, which would provide a boost to candidate Harris. Because if Trump wins, history suggests that the situation for Chavismo could become much more challenging.

Political Tensions in Venezuela: The Ultimatum from the Biden Administration

Recent developments regarding the political situation in Venezuela have captured the attention of the international community. According to high-ranking sources in the United States, an ultimatum has been issued to the Maduro dictatorship, creating a glimmer of hope for millions of Venezuelans. This situation comes in the wake of the widely criticized presidential elections held on July 28, deemed fraudulent by various international observers.

The Biden Administration’s Stance on Venezuela

Peruvian journalist Jaime Bayly, known for his insights from Miami, reported that the Biden administration, via Secretary of State Antony Blinken, has conveyed an urgent message to Nicolás Maduro: “You must leave power before November 5 or face dire consequences.” This date is crucial, as it coincides with the upcoming U.S. elections where current Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to face off against former President Donald Trump.

The Possible Outcomes for Maduro

  • If Maduro chooses to voluntarily leave power, the administration offers assurances of safety and potential exile for him and key associates, allowing them to escape prosecution.
  • Failure to comply could result in his arrest, marking a drastic shift in U.S. policy towards the regime.

Geopolitical Implications

The geopolitical landscape surrounding Venezuela complicates the scenario. If the U.S. attempts to remove Maduro, it must prepare for reactions from nations such as Russia, Iran, China, and Turkey, all of which have vested interests in the region. Historian Mark Jones notes the sentiment among these nations: “They view Venezuela as a critical ally in defiance of U.S. hegemony.”

Support from Latin American Countries

In addition to U.S. pressure, countries like Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil have also expressed a desire for a transparent political process in Venezuela. They have urged Maduro to engage in dialogues with opposition figures, aiming for a peaceful resolution. However, despite pressure, the Maduro regime remains resistant.

Potential Benefits of a Peaceful Transition

For the Biden Administration

Should Maduro comply with the U.S. ultimatum, it would constitute a significant foreign policy achievement for President Biden, potentially strengthening his standing ahead of the elections. Political analysts suggest that such a resolution could boost Kamala Harris’s campaign efforts and set a precedent for U.S. interventions in authoritarian regimes.

For the Venezuelan People

A successful transition could lead to renewed hope for democracy and economic recovery in Venezuela, changing the lives of millions who have suffered under the regime’s oppressive policies. This transition could facilitate humanitarian aid and restore basic living conditions.

International Reactions

The response to these developments from both allies and adversaries will be crucial. While some countries support U.S. intervention, others decry any interference in Venezuelan sovereignty. The situation remains tense, and the world watches closely as events unfold.

Practical Tips for Engaging with Venezuelan Political Discourse

  • Stay informed through reliable news sources to understand the evolving political situation in Venezuela.
  • Engage in discussions with fellow citizens about the implications of international policies on Venezuelan sovereignty.
  • Support NGOs and humanitarian efforts aimed at aiding Venezuelans, ensuring voices of the oppressed are amplified.

First-Hand Experiences: Stories from Venezuelans

Numerous Venezuelans have shared their stories of hardship and resilience. For instance, Maria, a teacher from Caracas, recounted how economic instability has affected her family: “We struggle daily to find basic food items, and the uncertainty keeps us living in fear.” Similarly, David, a former journalist, highlighted the crackdown on press freedom: “We must speak out for truth, but it can cost us everything.”

Case Studies: Failed Political Interventions

Year Country Outcome
2002 Venezuela Coup attempt against Chavez failed, strengthening his regime.
2019 Venezuela Interim presidency of Juan Guaidó led to international recognition, but lack of military support thwarted efforts.

Venezuela stands at a crossroads as the ultimatum from the Biden administration reveals the complex interplay between domestic factions and international pressures. The potential for a shift towards democracy looms large, but the path forward is fraught with challenges that require collaboration and understanding from both local and international stakeholders.



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