The United States extends visa procedures for Cuban immigrants

In the month of July, the immigrant visa process for immediate relatives of US citizens was restarted. This was indicated this Sunday by the embassy of the northern country in Havana. In this case, spouses and minor children are included.

The diplomatic headquarters confirmed verbatim that: “we chose the categories of immediate relatives recognizing the importance of family reunification.” The top management of the legation itself also recalled that “safe and legal migration from Cuba is the only way forward.”

These words indirectly refer to the increasing exodus of people to the United States by sea and land. The objective of restarting family reunification procedures is to stop, to a large extent, the departure of hundreds of migrants through illegal means.

A few days ago, the US embassy in Havana announced that it would resume the Family Reunification Program in the fall. These procedures will be carried out at its headquarters in the Cuban capital.

Interviews in Cuba since the first of October

This information implies that the interviews for this program between Cuba and the United States will no longer be held in Guyana. Nor in other countries of the region.

The Department of Homeland Security announced that since last June they have been processing files related to the issue.

However, interviews for possible Cuban immigrants for family reunification will resume on October 1st. That date is, right, when fiscal year 2023 begins.

According to official data, more than 22,000 Cuban family reunification files are pending. Everyone awaits the interview and final processing of their visas.

The United States announced a few days ago that that country is regarding to comply with the delivery of 20,000 annual visas for Cuban immigrants.



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