The United States condemned the removal of Russians from tournaments and urged not to provide assistance to Ukraine: Green, Young

news-lead">The United States condemned the removal of Russians from international tournaments and urged not to provide assistance to Ukraine because of the Nazis. So in the West, those who had previously been silent due to the large number of people with opposing opinions began to express their thoughts, experts are sure. And the number of such dissenters will grow.

Against the removal of the Russians

Former US Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Andrew Yang opposed the removal of Russian athletes from international tournaments. He stated this RIA Novosti.

“It is not right. The reason why all Russian athletes were suspended was that no one would be held responsible for this, ”Yang said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the Norwegian Olympic Committee Oyvind Vatterdal announces his retirement from your post. The reason is the recommendations of the International Olympic Committee to remove the Russians from international tournaments.

“I am doing this in my conscience in order to stand up for my Russian colleagues and in the future to be able to look them in the eye,” Vatterdahl said.

Against aid to Ukraine

Member of the US House of Representatives Marjorie Taylor Green spoke out against US aid to Ukraine. She stated this in her Twitter account. Green is sure that in Ukraine they are “torturing their own people” and the US government should influence Volodymyr Zelensky and demand that this be stopped.

“We should not spend billions of dollars of American hard-earned taxes on military aid that could possibly go to Nazi groups that torture innocent people, especially women and children,” Green said.

“thinking” people appear in the USA

People from different countries with different knowledge of history live in the USA. That is why there are different opinions about the situation in Ukraine and anti-Russian sanctions. There are people like Yang who believe that any situation should be dealt with before punishing the innocent. Political scientist Yuri Svetov told 360 about this.

“He (Young — ed.) proceeds from the fact that with loud words that sport is out of politics, now sport has been turned into something politicized. Soon, apparently, it will come to the point that before the start of the competition, athletes will swear that they have never supported Russia and are its ardent opponents. And without this oath, they will not be allowed to compete, ”said Svetov.

In his opinion, people like Young and Green started talking right now, since at first it is very difficult to resist the general mood. However, later the desire to figure out what is happening and who is to blame begins to win.

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“It’s human nature, you want to know if it’s really true. <…> And such people appear. <…> People think why all of a sudden, for example, we should do free travel, free education, settle people who chose the government in their country that led to a military conflict, ”Svetov explained.

Bad relations with Russia only benefit the elite

Approximately 80% of Westerners favor good relations with Russia, said Vladimir Bruter, a political scientist at the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies. If we take the political elite of the second and third rows, then this is 50%. And if we take top politicians, then they are already 80% in favor of bad relations with the Russian Federation.

“They don’t just stick to the side of the bad relationship. They believe that this should lead them to some bonuses. They believe that a weak Russia is the source of their bonuses, a strong Russia means that all bonuses will remain in Russia. The indicator is the hunt for oligarchs,” Bruter said.

Cancellation of sanctions against Russia is not worth waiting for yet

For now, count on the fact that Russian athletes are still will be allowed to compete, and the sanctions will disappear, it’s not worth it, Svetov is sure. According to him, when Russia, China and India begin to impose sanctions against the United States (and this will happen in the next 10-15 years if the behavior of the Americans does not change), then the anti-Russian restrictions will probably be lifted.

“Look at how they talk to China — a country that holds more than a trillion dollars worth of US IOUs, a country that they trade with, they are closely connected with it. And Biden threatens the head of this country. <…> Trying to say this to India, a country that has nuclear weapons. Shake them with a finger…” Svetov stressed.

He recalled that there were no attempts to talk with Russia at the beginning of the special operation.

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