The United States announces that it will send multi-rocket systems to Ukraine to hit key targets

US President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that USA will send new multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) to Ukraine to confront the Russian invasion and hit “key targets”, in an opinion piece published in the newspaper ‘New York Times’.

“We will provide the Ukrainians with more advanced rocket systems and ammunition that will allow them to more accurately hit key targets on the battlefield in Ukraine,” the president stressed in his publication.

Joe Biden has explained that USA it has moved “quickly to send Ukraine a significant amount of weaponry and ammunition so that it can fight on the battlefield and be in the strongest possible position at the negotiating table.”

The US president has not specified what type of systems they will send to Ukraine, but a senior White House official has clarified that they are HIMARS systems (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, for its acronym in English), which are multiple rocket launchers mounted on light armored vehicles.

Officials have claimed that the HIMARS will be equipped with ammunition that will allow Ukraine to launch rockets up to 80 kilometers, as reported by the US network CNN.

A much shorter range than the maximum of these systems, the so-called M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), is capable of hitting targets some 300 kilometers away.

Biden has stressed that by sending these missiles, Washington is not encouraging Ukraine to attack beyond its borders towards Russia.

“We do not seek a war between NATO and Russia. As much as I disagree with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and consider his actions an outrage, the United States will not try to provoke his removal from office in Moscow,” Biden emphasized. .

The White House tenant has confirmed this decision, emphasizing that although the war in Ukraine will only end through diplomacy, “every negotiation reflects the facts on the ground.”

“As long as the United States or our allies are not attacked, we will not become directly involved in this conflict, neither by sending American troops to fight in Ukraine nor by attacking Russian forces,” the US president has sentenced.

Germany supports reconstruction of Ukraine

The German Development Minister, Svenja Schulze, has called for start with the reconstruction of Ukraine even though hostilities have not yet ended because of Russia.

As part of a visit to kyiv, Schulze stressed that aid for this purpose should be delivered immediately and “should not wait until the war is over.” “We must start helping and rebuilding now,” she has said.

“Ukrainians need water and electricity. Those who have fled inside Ukraine need a roof over their heads, children need to be able to go back to school and support is needed for all of this,” the German official said.

(With information from Europa Press and AFP)



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