The United States and South Korea launched eight missiles towards North Korea | World

USA and South Korea eight ballistic missiles were fired at the sea ​​of ​​japan (called East Sea in Korea) as response to pitches of missiles than the the day before made the neighboring country.

According to information from Joint Chiefs of Staff collected by Yonhap agency, military forces of both countries launched surface-to-surface missiles Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) during the early morning.

Corea The North launched eight ballistic missiles from various locations on Sunday, the US Army said. Corea South, a day after Seoul and Washington completed their first joint exercises with a US aircraft carrier in more than four years.

Pyongyang upgraded its weapons program this year despite facing tough economic sanctions, and officials and analysts have warned that the North Korean regime is preparing a new nuclear test.

“Our military detected eight short-range ballistic missiles fired from Corea of the North,” the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

The launches took place over about 30 minutes from multiple locations, including Sunan in the capital Pyongyang, Tongchang-ri in Pyongan province (north) and Hamhung in Hamgyong province (south), it added.

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