The United States ambassador valued the potential of Río Negro in clean energy

Marc Stanley, the United States ambassador to Argentina, had a busy schedule during his two days of official visit to Bariloche, in which he prioritized learn about advances in science and technology that takes place in the city, but also strengthened ties with political leaders and he enjoyed one of his greatest passions: chocolate.

It was the ambassador’s first official visit to Río Negro, a year after he was appointed to the country by the Joe Biden administration. In this opportunity was not received by Governor Arabela Carreraswho is on vacation in another province, nor by the mayor of Bariloche, Gustavo Gennuso, who traveled to Spain to participate in the International Tourism Fair, which is why he met with provincial authorities with the Senators Alberto Weretilneck and Martín Doñate.

Stanley was enthusiastic about his tour and left clear definitions of the desire for mutual cooperation between the North American country and the province, in scientific developments, at the same time that he encouraged Río Negro to continue in the search for the production of renewable energies.

Río Negro has great potential to provide clean energy to the world”, affirmed Stanley in an interview that he offered to BLACK RIVERin the midst of his busy schedule of activities.

Marc Stanley toured the Invap headquarters and learned about various developments. Photo: Courtesy

The United States is on the path of development of the green hydrogen with a plan to put a huge production plant into operation in 2026. Meanwhile, in the province there is an ambitious project in the hands of an Australian company that has not yet finished giving rise to the lack of regulation of the industry through a national law that Minister Sergio Massa is slow to promote.

The US ambassador, in addition to assessing the potential for renewable energy, stressed that “Río Negro has many other things to offer, for example some of the best cherries I’ve ever tasted.raspberries, apples, pears, we also import a lot of concentrated apple juice and they have a significant production of oil and gas, which we do not need in the United States, but because of what Putin did in Ukraine, Europe does need it,” he said.

Marc Stanley highlighted the natural beauties of Bariloche and encouraged North American tourism. Photo: Chino Leiva

For example, in the Río Negro trade balance, The United States is one of the main buyers of pears and apples that is produced in the province, which meant 25% of the commercialization abroad in 2021, according to data from the Ministry of Economy of the Nation.

At the scientific level, Stanley offered “mutual cooperation” between the developments that take place in Bariloche and his country. “It’s not about competing with each other, it’s about helping each other to grow“, he claimed.

When asked how cooperation could be translated, the ambassador stated: “Through the exchange of scientists and engineers and also university professors. This is one of the areas in which a high tide raises all the boats, so if we get to know each other better we will be able to work together”, he assured.

I was very pleasantly surprised by the progress in the facilities of the small modular reactor, but also by the advances that have been made in the field of nuclear medicine and the development of satellites”.

Stanley said that in Buenos Aires he had had the opportunity to meet with science leaders from Bariloche, but “I did not understand the depth of the capabilities they have, until I could see it with my own eyes”. In this sense, he highlighted the development of the Carem reactor, which he learned about at the Bariloche Atomic Center, and the advances that he described as “incredible” in the field of nuclear medicine, carried out by the state company Invap from Río Negro, as well as the satellite industry linked to the environment. environment and ocean mapping.

“I was impressed to learn about Invap’s collaboration with NASA and with many American companies. We hope to continue working together on advances in these areas ”, he encouraged from his social networks after the official visit.

The US ambassador in Argentina had an intense schedule of activities. He visited the Bariloche Atomic Center. Photo: Courtesy

Also, before this newspaper, he highlighted the “great advances that have been made with nuclear isotopes for the treatment of people with cancer. And the truth is that this is only the first chapter of the story. Our approach to medical science in the next 10 years is going to change radically,” he warned.

Chocolates and a solidarity mission

Marc Stanley goes out of protocol quite often. The custodians must run after the energetic US ambassador who has revolutionized Bariloche in recent days. The lawyer is a fan of chocolate and took advantage of his stay to make a “tasting” first hand.

The United States ambassador handed out soccer balls to children from the Los Corazones de Beatriz picnic area. Photo: Courtesy

“Chocolate and ice cream are crazy,” he said and regretted not having thought until the moment of the interview with BLACK RIVER to also try the Bariloche alfajores that have a level of excellence that led them to the Canadian market a few months ago.

Stanley visited the Rapa Nui and Mamushka chocolate shops, the two local companies that manufacture the chocolate from the origin, importing the cocoa. He also tried the flagship product of one of these brands, Franui, and admitted that in Buenos Aires, every time he receives American guests, he offers them chocolate from Bariloche “and we warn of the danger of addiction to chocolate,” he said between laughs and was categorical when say: “It’s the best chocolate I’ve ever tasted.”

He also combined his stay with a solidarity and soccer mission that he assumed during the 2022 World Cup in Qatar when he bet with the US ambassadors of the countries with which Argentina played that whoever lost should donate soccer balls to children’s leagues or institutions that need it. For this reason, in parallel to the deliveries that his peers must make, he decided to start his own donation in Bariloche and through the Conciencia Foundation he arrived at the Los Corazones de Beatriz picnic area, where in person, and with the national team shirt on his suit, handed him the balls.

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