The Unforgettable On-Air Blunder of Grégoire Margotton

2024-09-10 08:33:27

TF1’s star commentator made a series of errors during the Blues’ match against Belgium, sparking strong reactions.

The French team continues to make money. Despite the defeat conceded on Friday against Italy, there were no less than 5.13 million viewers in front of TF1 to watch Didier Deschamps’ men dominate the Red Devils. Enough to allow the front page to come out on top in the ratings with 24.8% of audience share.

Grégoire Margotton can smile. He had it as soon as the match ended, a consequence of the great victory won by the Blues against their neighbors (2-0). However, the star commentator of TF1 had a reason to look gloomy. Throughout the match or almost, the former Canal+ player gave Amadou Onana, the Belgian midfielder, the wrong first name, insisting on calling him André, like the Cameroon goalkeeper.

Inadmissible apologies

After more than half an hour, Grégoire Margotton realised his mistake, even apologising for his blunder, but the Lyon native repeated his error in the second half. “I won’t make it. This time he won’t be able to excuse me, he said on the air. There are evenings when the brain does not want to.”

This blunder caused a lot of reaction from Internet users. “Grégoire Margotton? André Onana plays for Belgium?”, “Grégoire Margotton who continues to say André Onana…”, “Margotton finally realizes his mistake after 40 minutes, thank you!”, “Margotton is out of touch”, “Maybe Amadou Onana’s t-shirt wasn’t explicit enough lol, it’s AMADOU and not André, Mr. Margotton”, some wrote on Twitter.



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