The UN Security Council did not adopt the resolution of Russia and China on Nord Stream – March 27, 2023

The UN Security Council did not accept the resolution of Russia and China on an international investigation into the explosions at Nord Stream. On the evening of March 27 reports TASS.

Russia, China and Brazil voted for the adoption of the document, while Albania, Great Britain, Ghana, Gabon, Malta, Mozambique, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, France, Switzerland, Ecuador and Japan abstained from voting.

It is noted that Belarus, Venezuela, North Korea, Syria, Nicaragua and Eritrea were also co-authors of the document, however, these states are not members of the UN Security Council, therefore they did not take part in the voting.

The resolution, prepared by Russia and China, provided for the organization of an international investigation into sabotage at Nord Stream.

Recall that in March, reports began to appear that a certain pro-Ukrainian group could be involved in sabotage on gas pipelines. However, the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, did not agree with this version, stressing that such actions can only be carried out by special units that have the necessary equipment at their disposal, and the United States and Britain have such units.

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