The Ultimate Rivalry: Messi vs. Ronaldo – Who is the Greatest Player in History?

2023-07-01 22:02:00


The years will pass and we will never see a rivalry as powerful as the one between Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. Two of the best players in the history of football.

Both in the final stretch of their career, one playing in Saudi Arabia and the other coming to the United States to grow MLS. However, the comparisons between the two persist.

Now it was Gary Neville, Manchester United legend, who in a debate with Jamie Carragher sparked controversy on Sky Sports.

“My driver asked me: if you were a coach, which I won’t be, and you could choose any player in history at his highest peak to win a game coming off the bench with only 10 minutes left and a single change, who would it be? I thought, it would be Cristiano Ronaldo. It would absolutely be Cristiano Ronaldo,” Neville said.

“I looked at his goal statistics and I thought that he can score with his left foot, his bad leg, with his right, from distance, the best hunter in world football, penalties and if he gets into the area and you take a cross, he also scores from head. If you think about the impact of a player and you think about which one, look at these statistics, ”he confessed.

Then he was blunt: “Answering the question a gentleman asked me this morning, I think Cristiano is the best player in history.”

Carragher was not far behind and showed that he is on the Argentine’s side: “Messi, as a player, takes you to a place where you really can’t believe what you’re seeing. What Ronaldo does are things that other players can do. You’ve seen someone else being very good at shooting with a header, you’ve seen someone else very good running, taking free kicks, all those things. Messi does things that we have never seen before. The assists, directing the game from his position”.

Comments, debates and all kinds of words about Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo will continue to appear, some prefer the Argentine and others the Portuguese.

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