2023-07-16 02:39:28
“id”:1960547,”type”:”num”,”link”:”https://dtf.ru/games/1960547-dead-island-2-byl-vzloman-hackershey-empress” ,”gtm”:””,”prevCount”:null,”count”:58,”isAuthorized”:false “id”:1960547,”type”:1,”typeStr”:”content”,”showTitle” :false,”initialState”:”isActive”:false,”gtm”:”” “id”:1960547,”gtm”:null cite For owners of torrent site 1337: “osnovaUnitId”: null, “url”: ” “place”: “post_inside”, “site”: “dtf”, “settings”: “modes”:”externalLink”: “button Labels”:[“u0423u0437u043du0430u0442u044c”,”u0427u0438u0442u0430u0442u044c”,”u041du0430u0447u0430u0442u044c”,”u0417u0430u043au0430u0437u0430u0442u044c”,”u041au0443u043fu0438u0442u044c”,”u041fu043eu043bu0443u0447u0438u0442u044c”,”u0421u043au0430u0447u0430u0442u044c”,”u041fu0435u0440u0435u0439u0442u0438″]”,”deviceList”:”desktop”:”u0414u0435u0441u043au0442u043eu043f”,”smartphone”:”u0421u043cu0430u0440u0442u0444u043eu043d u044b”,”tablet”:”u041fu043bu0430u043du0448u0435u0442u044b” “I’ve insulted you before on my channel, and now I’ll insult you once more- please GO THE FUCK, you worthless cowards I will NEVER touch a breeding ground for viruses like your site and all my followers will spread “flattering” words regarding you Enjoy being busted and canceled Rubbish For Denuvo management: You need to urgently hire new people, FAGs working for you now no more than the “CLOWNS” and they can’t stop me anymore.What a disgraceful masquerade.To the developers of Denuvo: Your defense is nothing but a joke to me now.Can you stop me at this stage, little BITches You should understand the meaning of “Madness” and stop pathetic attempts at resistance.I’ll go ahead and drill you a new, shiny hole on you, for the enjoyment of the public For redditfags: Keep squealing, bitches. Prove further that you are envious, torn little monkeys. Prove further that you are losers snowballs. Cry on, because you are nothing but pathetic NPCs who are not deprived of even 1% of my intellect. And most importantly, continue to suck on each other in your maniarium filled with faggots and shemales. “Keep barking like DOGS and SCREECHING like whores. All your monkey brains can do is write “lol”, “lmao” and try to look “cool”, but unfortunately you only look like cringe butt burnt jerks. I just feel sorry for your existence” All of the above is only a translation, and in no way reflects the opinion of the author of the post
#Dead #island #hacked #hacker #Empress #DTF #games