The Ultimate Guide to Preventing ARVI for People Over 60: Expert Recommendations and Vaccination Tips

2023-09-30 11:31:58

The therapist spoke regarding the prevention of ARVI for people over 60 years old

September 30 – NVL. The chief physician and general practitioner voiced his recommendations for people over 60 years of age and told how you can protect yourself from ARVI

Chief physician, general practitioner, Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD Lefortovo Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Ivan Noskov exclusively for the news publication NVL spoke regarding the prevention of ARVI among people over 60 years old.

Photo source: Editorial photo

Ivan Noskov said that ARVI can be deciphered as an acute respiratory viral infection, which is often confused with acute respiratory disease (ARI). Acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections include all possible ailments associated with damage to the upper respiratory tract. Among their symptoms are a rise in body temperature, runny nose and nasal congestion, sore and sore throat, cough, body aches, headache, etc. Both viruses and bacteria can act as pathogens.

The general practitioner said that for people over 60 years of age, to prevent ARVI, he recommended less contact with people who have signs of ARVI. If it is not possible to limit contacts, the doctor advises wearing medical masks.

“Try to avoid large gatherings and avoid people with signs of ARVI. If it is not possible to isolate yourself and limit contacts, then masks are used. It has been proven that the mask prevents infection with viral infections by 1.8 times.”

Photo source: Editorial photo

He advises people over 60 to wash their hands more often following visiting public places and to support and strengthen their immunity.

“Wash your hands more often, especially following walking, shopping, public transport, etc. Do not touch open mucous membranes with your hands – these are the mouth, eyes, nose, as these parts of the body can become entry points for infection,” the specialist noted.

The doctor recommends eating a healthy and balanced diet; the body must receive all the necessary nutrients that help the body fight pathogens. The doctor noted the importance of sleep patterns; he advises avoiding hypothermia. Regular physical activity and vitamin prophylaxis are useful for the prevention of ARVI.

Photo source: Editorial photo

The doctor spoke regarding the most effective way to protect once morest ARVI – vaccination. People over 60 years of age are at risk for influenza and complications from it, so everyone, without exception, needs to be vaccinated. Ivan Noskov believes that by following such rules, it is possible to protect people from contracting ARVI in the upcoming epidemic season, as well as save the lives of thousands of people.

“Vaccination is a kind of trainer for our immune system; by making a vaccine once morest one infection, the immune system becomes more attentive and helps the body fight other pathogens. Also, people over 60 years of age are recommended to get vaccinated once morest pneumococcal infection along with the flu vaccine; this helps significantly reduce the risk of complications from ARVI.”

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