The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Sugar Cravings: Tips from Professor Dorothea Portius

2024-01-01 14:26:36

The tips from Professor Dorothea Portius

Every German eats almost 35 kilograms of household sugar every year. But too much sugar damages the liver, increases the risk of diabetes, makes you fat and has bad teeth. So how do you get rid of cravings for sweets? Nutritional therapist Dorothea Portius from the SRH University of Health in Gera gives ten tips.

1) Reduce sugar gradually

One Radical cures usually have little effect. It is better to replace the sugar little by little with natural sugar alternatives or carbohydrate sources such as fruit, vegetables and whole grain products. These also contain lots of nutrients and fiber, which keep you full for a long time and protect you from a “sugar hole”. If you bake cakes yourself, you can decide for yourself how much sweetening is used.

2) Set the ace

You should pay attention to a good nutrient combination of healthy fats, proteins and fiber. This stabilizes the blood sugar level. By consuming enough whole grain products, legumes and at least three portions of vegetables per day, you will stay full longer and avoid food cravings.

3) Prefer natural products

Avoid processed foods. Fruit yogurts, for example, often contain high amounts of sugar. Instead, you can refine natural yogurt yourself with fruit. It is best to generally choose fresh, unprocessed foods.

4) Read ingredient lists

How much sugar a food contains can be found on the list of ingredients. Sugar is often hidden under several different terms. A mnemonic helps here: Everything that ends with “ose” on the list of ingredients is sweet!

5) Eat mindfully

You should take your time, enjoy the food and listen to your body when it signals that you are full.

6) Avoid sweet drinks

Drinks like lemonade, energy drinks and sweetened coffee drinks often contain extremely high amounts of sugar. It is better to drink unsweetened drinks such as water, tea or coffee.

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