The Ultimate Guide to Oolong Tea for Weight Loss: Breakdown of Fats During Sleep

2024-02-11 06:06:37

We know that tea is one of the drinks that can help you lose weight. Virtues for the figure that it owes to the numerous fat-burning substances which are part of its composition. But when it comes to slimming tea, not all are equal and some are more effective than others. In any case, this is what a recent study carried out by Japanese researchers from the University of Tsukuba in Japan suggests. The latter highlight the benefits of a certain type of tea which would promote the breakdown of fats even during sleep, provided you drink two cups per day.

As reported by Women’s Journal, this famous tea, is none other than oolong tea, also called blue tea, because of its leaves with bluish reflections. Its particularity lies in the fact that it must be partially oxidized. This is what gives it its very particular taste, halfway between that of green tea and that of black tea. This is also where it gets its richness in catechins, antioxidants with fat-burning properties, which also act on energy expenditure. Like most teas, oolong also contains caffeine and this has “an impact on energy metabolism by increasing our heart rate and promoting the breakdown of fats”as the researchers explain in the scientific journal Nutrients.

Lose weight while sleeping with oolong tea?

In order to reach this conclusion, the experts carried out an experiment with 12 volunteers separated into three groups: one had to consume a cup of oolong tea for breakfast and then lunch, the other a cup of pure coffee. and the last group, a placebo. After 14 days of observation, the researchers carried out calorimetry to measure each person’s energy expenditure. This is how they were able to observe that the consumption of oolong tea increased the fat breakdown by approximately 20%. Better yet, they noticed, thanks to a sleep recording, that the fat-burning action of oolong tea continued during sleepwithout affecting the quality of their sleep. “The stimulating effects of oolong tea on fat breakdown during sleep might have real clinical relevance for controlling body weight.” noted the experts who must now carry out more in-depth studies to “determine whether the effects we observed during the 2-week study translate into actual body fat loss over an extended period of time”.

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