The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Nutrients in Vegetables Through Proper Cooking Methods

2023-12-24 22:20:33

Radish and chives, which are sensitive to high temperatures, can be eaten raw… Garlic becomes more nutritious when cooked.

Entered 2023.12.25 07:20 Views 0 Entered 2023.12.25 07:20 Modified 2023.12.24 14:33 Views 0

You can maximize nutrients by varying the cooking method depending on the vegetable. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Just as each food goes well with each other, each vegetable also has its own suitable cooking method. Many people cook vegetables in a familiar way, but you can maximize nutrients by cooking them differently depending on the type of vegetable. Vegetables that contain ingredients that are sensitive to heat should be eaten raw, and vegetables that benefit from being cooked should be heated in boiling water or over high heat.

Cabbage and broccoli, which are rich in heat-sensitive ingredients such as vitamin C, are eaten raw.

Vegetables that are good to eat raw are those rich in vitamin C, such as cabbage and broccoli. Vitamin C has been proven to be weak once morest heat in numerous studies. Vitamin C is lost when cooked at hot temperatures, such as boiling or boiling.

In addition to vitamin C, cabbage and broccoli are also rich in an ingredient called glucosinolate, which is also sensitive to heat. Cabbage can be used as a salad or cut into pieces and made into pickles to preserve its nutritional content. Broccoli is best eaten raw. If you feel uncomfortable with the relatively rough texture compared to other vegetables, you can blanch them briefly for regarding 10 to 20 seconds.

Radish and chives, which are sensitive to high temperatures, are best eaten raw… Avoid boiling or boiling purple vegetables.

Radish, which is often used in broth or soup, is good for health when eaten raw or as radish radish. Radish contains many enzymes called diastase, which aids digestion. Dystase is less effective at temperatures above 50 degrees. The same goes for chives, which are commonly eaten as chive pancakes. If chives are heated above 70 degrees, the component called allyl sulfide is destroyed, so it is best to eat them as pickled chives. Allyl sulfide, a combination of sulfur and allicin, helps recover from fatigue and gives chives a spicy taste unique to chives. If you are uncomfortable with this taste when consuming raw chives, just stir-fry them for a short time.

It is also good to eat purple vegetables such as eggplant and red cabbage raw. Purple vegetables are rich in antioxidants called anthocyanins and resveratrol. Anthocyanins are weak to water, so if they are soaked in water for a long time, nutrients may come out. Rinsing purple vegetables quickly under running water is more effective when roasted rather than soaked in water. There are also research results showing that when eggplants are roasted, moisture is lost and nutritional density increases.

Roast carrots and pumpkins containing beta-carotene in oil… Garlic becomes more nutritious when cooked.

Carrots are a representative food that is more effective when cooked. Beta-carotene, the main ingredient in carrots, has an absorption rate of regarding 10% when eaten raw, but increases to over 60% when cooked. Vegetables containing beta-carotene, which has the property of soluble in fat, not water, release more nutrients when lightly stir-fried in oil such as olive oil. The same goes for pumpkin, water parsley, and spinach, which are rich in beta-carotene. However, spinach and water parsley are high in vitamin C, so it is better to blanch them in boiling water rather than using them as soup.

Tomatoes, which are high in lycopene, a fat-soluble ingredient, can also receive more nutrients when roasted in oil. Tomatoes have the highest amount of lycopene (an anticancer component) among existing edible crops. When a research team at Cornell University heated tomatoes at 87 degrees for 2 minutes, 15 minutes, and 30 minutes, the lycopene content increased by 6%, 17%, and 35%, respectively.

Garlic, which has anti-cancer effects and prevents dementia, has excellent health benefits when eaten raw, but is even better for your health when cooked. Research has shown that when garlic is cooked in boiling water, ‘S-allycysteine’, which inhibits carcinogens, increases. According to the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, when garlic was boiled in water for one hour, S-allycysteine ​​increased regarding four times that of raw garlic.

〈3-line summary〉
✔ Cabbage and broccoli, rich in heat-sensitive vitamin C and glucosinolates, are good for your health when eaten raw.
✔ Radish and chives, which lose effectiveness when heated, and purple vegetables rich in anthocyanin, which are sensitive to water, should be eaten raw.
✔ Carrots and pumpkins rich in beta-carotene are enhanced by frying them in oil and cooking garlic sufficiently.

[‘건강’한 ‘먹’거리 정보’방’, 건강먹방은 자주 접하는 식품에 대한 궁금증을 다루는 코너입니다. 식품영양학을 전공한 기자가 일상에서 무심코 넘어가는 영양 정보를 쉽게 풀어 안내해드립니다.]

Reporter Choi Ji-hye

” ⓒ ‘Honest Knowledge for Health’ ( / Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited”

#건강먹방 #Raw #cooked…how #nutrition #vegetables



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