The Ultimate Guide to Marine Collagen: Benefits, Dosage, and Best Forms for Assimilation

2023-10-16 10:36:26

Marine collagen is renowned for its anti-aging effects on skin, hair and joints. It would reduce joint pain. But depending on its form, assimilation in the body is not the same and neither is the dosage.


The collagen marin, did you miss it? It is not too late. But before we get to the heart of the matter, do you know what collagen really is? It’s regarding a animal protein naturally present in the human bodyrenowned for its anti-aging virtues since she structures tissues. “We reach the maximum collagen level between 20 and 25 years old. Il reduced then naturally due to 1.5% per yearexplains Maxime Barret, co-founder of Twenty DC, a French brand of marine collagen. THE signs of a deficiency in collagen then appear: first fine lines, joint discomfortbrittle hair and nails… Especially among smokers since “tobacco destroys collagen” reminds our interlocutor. Food does not make up for the loss of collagen, hence the interest in possible supplementation with marine collagen.

What is marine collagen?

Marine collagen refers to collagen extracted from fish skin and bones. In them as in humans, this protein structures connective tissues. “Collagen contributes to the rigidity and firmness of tissues skin, joints (nails and hair also in humans)” explains Maxime Barret. Collagen is also found in the cartilage and skin of cattle.

“There is no such thing as plant collagen”

“It is historically the one that was most used in the industry but that of fish is today recognized as better assimilated by the body.” On the other hand, “there is no such thing as plant collagen, underlines our interlocutor. Collagen is a non-plant animal protein. It is not created in plants. You can’t find it in algae. For example.”

What are the benefits of marine collagen?

We take marine collagen to fill the body’s natural losses. “Marine collagen will act by structuring the connective tissues of the skin, bones, hair, nails, tendons and ligaments. Beyond the aesthetic aspects (mainly anti-wrinkle, editor’s note), it has an interesting impact with the age at the joint level and in athletes for recoveryreplies Maxime Barret.

What effects on the joints?

As marine collagen is naturally present in joint tissues, it is known to improve joint mobilitythe joint flexibility and the physical recovery. “People who consume it tell us that it helps strengthen joints, cartilage and reduce joint painour interlocutor shares.

What are the interests of athletes?

“When we play sports, we mobilize our joints a lot, especially if it is the fitness, running and weight training, recalls the expert. We then destroy collagen fibers and these fibers have difficulty regenerating naturally, and less and less over time.”

Sport destroys collagen fibers, especially fitness or running.

By providing tissues with better flexibility and elasticity “Marine collagen allows better muscle recovery following exercise and can prevent injuries”. It can also help prevent or reduce joint pain.

Dose: 10 grams per day ideally

To be effective, marine collagen must be in sufficient dosage. “Clinical studies show that an average of 10 grams per day at a rate of 3 months per year are a good dose to have the expected effects with marine collagen” argue Maxime Barret. Below 5 grams, consider that the product is “really very underdosed”.

A treatment must last at least 3 weeks

To see the first effects of marine collagen, you must take it for “at least 20 to 28 days since he is active on cell regeneration and that our skin cells regenerate on average every 20 to 25 days” specifies the manufacturer. On the other hand, in addition to the duration of setting, you have to be diligent by taking it every day so find the form that suits us: in capsule, or powder, to drink…”

What is the best marine collagen?

The best marine collagen is the one that you will manage to take until the end. Knowing then that depending on the form (powder, liquid, etc.), the assimilation of marine collagen in the body is not the same and neither is the dosage. “Today, it is recognized that the poudredue to its dosage and the size of the collagen peptides (final collagen protein, editor’s note), is the form which allows the best assimilation by the body. explains our interlocutor.

“Powdered marine collagen allows for the best assimilation”

To compare “in marine collagen cream, the weight of the peptides is 300,000 daltons while in a powder, we can obtain 2,000 daltons. Orally, the finer, lighter, smaller marine collagen we take, the more bioavailable it will be in the body and the better it will be assimilated. Finally, note that it is advisable to favor products containing hydrolyzed collagen peptides rather than non-hydrolyzed, which are of lower quality.

Marine collagen powder: the highest dose?

It is THE preferred form according to Maxime Barret. “The powder is differentiated by the dosage (you can have 100% marine collagen in a powder which is not possible in liquid for example) and the ease of absorption in the body (thanks to the low molecular weight of the peptides of collagen (look for on the label when purchasing).” And for thefishy smell marine collagen powder? “Today, we have filtration processes that are so powerful thatwe manage to mask the taste and smell of the fish for the best collagens. You can find odorless and tasteless marine collagen or flavored powder” reassures the specialist. Marine collagen powder diluted in a liquid (water, coffee, tea (the protein does not denature with heat), fruit juice, smoothie), yogurt, cottage cheese… “The important thing is to find the right way to take it in order to have the best compliance rate.”

Liquid marine collagen: what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Some prefer to take liquid marine collagen – to drink – to supplement easily. We swallow it as is, it’s convenient! And if we manage to do a complete cure by favoring this form rather than another, that’s already very good. A few downsides to know regarding liquid marine collagen:

► The taste : “To mask the strong natural taste of marine collagen (next to poissoneditor’s note) and for it to be good, manufacturers have to add quite a few things that are not collagen. The list of ingredients can be long. warns our interlocutor.

“There are more than 27 types of collagen in the human body”

► The amount of collagen : “In a liquid stick, there is no more than 4 to 5 grams of marine collagen. This is the problem with the liquid, we cannot have highly concentrated products up to 10 grams per day.”

►Le prix : “Liquid marine collagen is more expensive because it is more difficult to formulate.”

Collagen type 1, 2 or 3?

“There are more than 27 types of collagen in the human body. The types 1, 2 and 3 are the most abundant. The collagen of type 1 representing more than 80% collagen from the human body” explains Maxime Barret. When choosing your marine collagen, you will see that there are 3 types: 1, 2 and 3

Type 1 has a broad spectrumit acts on all of the body’s connective tissues.
Le type 2 is mainly located in the cartilages and joints.
Le type 3 is more in the muscles and vital organs.

What regarding his joints? “If you want to target only the joints, you can favor type 2 but if you want to have a global spectrum including joints, type 1 collagen should be chosen.”

Should it be taken with vitamin C?

It is possible to buy marine collagen enriched with vitamin C. For our expert “Vitamin C was useful a few years ago when the molecular weight of collagen peptides was higher because it accelerates assimilation in the body collagen but today, the manufacturing processes are such that, without vitamin C, you have 95% assimilation so it is not obligatory to take it with it.. According to this specialist, it is better to favor a vitamin C treatment alongside “rather than having a product with a low concentration of collagen and vitamin C”.

Where to buy marine collagen? In a pharmacy?

You can buy marine collagen in pharmacies. The advantage of going through this distribution circuit is to have a range of products selected by a healthcare professional, the pharmacist. Which is not the case on the Internet where (very) many sites sell marine collagen. There are serious and reliable sites; others less so. For our interlocutor, looking at the reviews can help : “A site with 3 reviews on a product vs another with more than 500 or 1000 reviews is an indicator.” A product available on the Internet and in pharmacies is also a guarantee of quality. Finally, we can find marine collagen in beauty institutes, with beauticians, and hair salons. “And very often if they offer the product it is because they have tested it.”

What are the contraindications of marine collagen?

“The only contraindication is allergy to fish and shellfish” replies our interlocutor. Like all food supplements, marine collagen is not recommended for pregnant, breastfeeding women and children without medical advice.

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