The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Healthiest Meat for Your Diet | Heidelberg24 Consumer Magazine

2024-02-04 15:22:00

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    People are increasingly paying attention to quality and health when eating meat. Which meat is the healthiest? The following list has surprises in store.

    While meat is considered anything but healthy in most nutritional guides, the German Nutrition Society (DGE) still recommends that the animal product is still part of a balanced diet. However, it is crucial to keep the amount as low as possible. You’ll drive even better if you also choose the healthiest meat. HEIDELBERG24 reveals what you need to pay attention to.

    Healthiest meat in the world

    Not every steak is a hit for your health! But what determines which meat is healthier than the other? First of all, a lot depends on the fat content. Lean meats such as chicken or turkey are real lightweights and are therefore often the first choice for a healthy diet. But fat is not the only factor. There are still the nutrients.

    Iron, zinc and B vitamins are found in red meat, which is also linked to cancer and chronic diseases. The type of animal feeding also plays a big role. Meat from grass-fed cattle contains significantly more omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart, than their grain-fed counterparts. There are also things to consider when preparing it – for example, you shouldn’t fry meat with the healthiest oil!

    What kind of meat is healthiest?

    But with all this information that you have to weigh up in the end: Which meat is the healthiest? Most nutrition experts agree on this: Poultry tops the list in first place! Not only is it low in fat, but it also contains many valuable proteins. Chicken breast is particularly lean and rich in protein, while turkey meat also contains many of the important nutrients iron, potassium, zinc and B vitamins.

    A little surprise awaits in second place: game meat. Free from fed antibiotics, low in fat and rich in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, wild game is also considered comparatively healthy – but with a caveat: the risk of heavy metals, pesticide residues, diseases and parasites is higher with wild meat than with meat from factory farming. The healthiest types of meat:

    • 1st place: poultry
    • 2nd place: Wild
    • 3rd place: beef
    • 4th place: lamb

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    Which is healthier chicken or beef?

    The eternal duel: chicken versus beef. Beef scores highly in the nutrient check with iron and zinc. However, white meat and therefore chicken is ahead in the health ranking. The World Health Organization has classified red meat such as beef as carcinogenic. European cattle are particularly linked to colon cancer.

    However, what falls under red meat is partly controversial, as the science magazine “Spektrum” criticizes. While some are wary of including pork, it is still usually considered red meat.

    Which is healthier pork or beef?

    So what regarding beef and pork? Both are extremely popular, especially in German cuisine. Pork often has a reputation for being the “fatty” meat, but lean cuts like tenderloin can be a healthy choice. Beef, on the other hand, scores with more nutrients such as iron. Both are red meat, which is why they are not the healthiest types of meat.

    But like many meats, the current state of research should always be treated with caution. So far it is only an interim status, as Spektrum writes. At this point, it is impossible to say with certainty which meat exactly makes whom sick. However, the experts agree on one thing:

    Which meat should you avoid?

    Processed meat is the unhealthiest meat. According to the WHO, there is also a risk of cancer here! Sausages, meat loaf, cured or smoked foods – you should stay away from all of these types of meat and instead limit yourself to meat that is as natural as possible.

    But even the healthiest meat can be detrimental to your health if you eat too much of it. Because the right size is crucial. As already mentioned at the beginning, meat should only be consumed in small quantities. The DGE recommends between 300 grams per week for a low calorie requirement and 600 grams for a high one.

    Is it healthy not to eat meat at all?

    To this day, the DGE recommends keeping a small amount of meat on the menu. However, if you consume nutrients consciously, a meat-free diet has some health benefits. It is less fatty and better for the cardiovascular system. According to the German Diabetes Aid, it also prevents diabetes and is good for the metabolism.

    According to the Federal Center for Nutrition, a balanced meat-free diet includes lots of vegetables and fruit every day, as well as some grain products such as bread or pasta. You can find out which fruit is the healthiest here. Milk, cheese, eggs or legumes should be eaten in moderation and in addition. If you eat a diet completely free of animal products, it may be necessary to supplement with vitamin B12. However, this should always be clarified with a doctor. (paw)

    Sections of this article were developed with computer assistance and carefully checked by volunteer Pauline Wyderka before publication.

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