“The Ultimate Guide to Fiber-Rich Foods and Weight Loss: Top Ingredients for a Healthy Diet”

2023-04-17 10:59:00

“fiber” It is an essential component of a healthy diet. Because not only will it help reduce cholesterol It also helps control blood sugar levels. and strengthening our digestive system as well This nutrient is therefore needed even more. If you are losing weight!

When talking regarding a healthy menu The first thing everyone would think of would be “salad” Because eating only one dish Able to replenish nutrients for the body in all 5 groups

“Eat What you want, Add what you need” Eat and lose weight, is it true?

“Tea” or “Coffee” check the benefits and choose the drink that suits us.

chick peas

But what ingredients are the best fiber-rich ingredients? to make our weight loss easy We therefore take the answer from Eva De Angelis nutritionist come together

1.) Chickpeas/Chickpeas

Beans and legumes are full of fiber and protein. Therefore classified as food for good health. But in this group, chickpeas are the best choice.

One cup (164 grams) of chickpeas has 12.5 grams of fiber and 14.5 grams of protein. Just 1 cup of cooked chickpeas contains regarding 40-50% of your daily recommended fiber.

Additionally, chickpeas contain mostly soluble fiber. which will keep you full longer and slow down the absorption of nutrients

Moreover, soluble fiber is food for the intestinal microflora. Help increase the number of bacteria that are beneficial to the body as well.

In addition to all the fiber Chickpeas also provide plenty of protein. which is also important when we have to lose weight

both protein and fiber Helps make us full faster and reduce blood sugar levels from rising This is the perfect healthy diet.

Brussels sprouts

2.) Brussels sprouts

Cruciferous vegetables are another good source of fiber. It also helps to add flavor to your salad plate to be even more delicious.

These mini sprouts are incredibly nutrient-dense and fiber-rich. Because in 1 cup, there are up to 3.3 grams of fiber, plus vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, potassium and many other antioxidants.

Nourishing the body with these vitamins It is an important part of helping the body to grow and maintain weight loss.

Who would try to put it in their favorite cup of salad? Recommended to be grilled first. Then you will experience the exceptionally delicious. Especially if you add olive oil and garlic cloves to the pan and what it is. Let me tell you that it’s perfect. Guarantee that you will receive both deliciousness and good health in yourself.

flax seeds

3.) Flaxseeds (Flaxseeds)

If you want crunchiness in your salad Try eating whole grains of flaxseed instead of crackers. so that the body can get enough fiber and lose weight faster

Flax seeds are rich in fiber, protein, phytonutrients. and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain and heart health. Just 1 tablespoon (7 grams) of flax seeds has 2 grams of fiber, 1.3 grams of protein, and 1.6 grams of omega-3 fatty acids.

In addition, flax seeds contain both soluble fiber. and insoluble Soluble fiber helps absorb water. slow down the digestion and absorption of nutrients while fiber is insoluble It will help to excrete easily. and promote the functioning of the intestinal system

However, it is advisable to purchase ground flaxseeds rather than whole seeds. If you eat whole seeds, you’ll definitely benefit from the real fiber. but when you can’t chew it all You’ll be missing out on protein and other nutrients. all that is contained therein

There is no single ingredient that can work miracles in the body. Incorporating the best options into your everyday meals is the best way to go. To ensure that our body will work to the fullest. And when you need fiber, don’t forget the 3 food list that we’ve put together.

Thank you information from: shefinds

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