Retrace ‘Tang Son Mafia’ in the real world. Teasing the sky and hell. Episode 3: Mafia who likes to drive armored cars to influence on the road.

5. During the operation to clear the mafia of the reform era open country in china The father of Tangshan City’s mafia who had been influential until following 2000 was Yang Su Kuan (杨树宽) He had just graduated from middle school and left school to inherit his father’s business. It started with the sale of ‘Goat Kebab, which is just a street stall. Later, the business expanded by bringing fresh vegetables and various products to sell. A young man, Yang Su Kuan, is diligent in helping his father work hard while saving. until able to open a restaurant “Sanbao Goat Boiled Shop” ‘ (三宝羊汤馆) and made a substantial profit for the first time in life.

In the early 1990s, small businesses in China were restructuring. Yang Su Kuan was a great opportunist. There is also a government official who is the head of the Office of International Trade. Li Jian Guo supported him. Until he was able to borrow bank money to buy a flour factory that was close to closing. After a while, he bought the Huayun Shoe Factory. (华云鞋厂) and other factories until becoming a big boss

People were looking at Yang Su Kuan with envy and wonder at a poor boy… how might he easily borrow so much money from the bank!

According to Chinese media reports, Yang Su Kuan had borrowed more than one million yuan from a bank within a day.

Later, Yang Su Kuan founded Huayun Group Co., Ltd. (华云集团) Become a famous businessman overnight. He was also a member of the local political advisory council. He knew the magic of creating wealth quite well.

part of luxury cars  and luxury car registration number  of the former big mafia in Tangshan City, Mr. Yang Su Kuan
With the wealth that is increasing day by day Yang Su Kuan’s influence grew larger and larger until he forgot his narcissism. and later formed a mafia gang

Yang Su Kuan was very fond of cars. When there is money to spend in luxury, shop for luxury cars. In his car inventory, there are Ferrari F360 modena, Rolls-Royce Phantom, Mercedes Benz, Mazda etc. Until it is said that Mr. Yang Su Kuan and his wife own regarding 70-80 luxury cars.

There is also a story that goes on Yang Su Kuan once made a rule that “Do not drive a car of a brand lower than Toyota to the company”

And of course, such a luxury car has to have the most beautiful numbered license plates, such as 冀B99999, 冀B8888 and 冀B99998, among others. The Chinese character 冀 (Ji) reads ‘Ji’, the abbreviation for Hebei Province.

With Yang Su Kuan’s overwhelming influence and car obsession, Ploy made Tangshan a Chinese automobile hub. It used to be ranked online in China. “China’s Top Five Car Cities” Tang San took the first place. In addition to online voting, the “Historic Grand Funeral Parade” contest and the “Historic Grandmother Funeral Parade” contests, Tang San won the ‘Best Prize’ in both contests. Behind it was Yang Su Kuan’s support.

Collecting such luxury cars is still a small matter. There was also something that Mr. Yang Su Kuan was extremely passionate regarding. Military vehicles that he has invested in many personal possessions, such as Offshore Jeep Cherokee Jeep Cherokee, IVECO Military Truck And what he boasts a lot regarding is havingarmored car !

Yang often takes his underlings to drive an armored car with a luxury convoy to follow. cruising through the city streets bragging with the townspeople which caused dissatisfaction among the people, but no one dared to say anything.

One day, Yang Su Kuan led the convoy and sped along the road. Two traffic police have arrested him on charges of disrupting social order.

Who knew the strict performance of that police officer? will bring great heat

Yang Su Kuan bought several military vehicles as his personal toys.  His favorite military vehicle was an armored vehicle, which he liked to drive on the streets of the ostentatious city.
6. Yang Su Kuan didn’t just stop. Still shouting, ordering his subordinates to attack two police officers until he was seriously injured. had to be hospitalized for almost a month

Not just attacking lower-level police officers. Even the Chief of Division Chief’s police officers were attacked by Yang Su Kuan. Severely injured!

Why is Yang Su Kuan? So cold?

Because he has what in Chinese idioms is called ‘protective umbrella’ (保护伞), meaning big influence.

Yang Su Kuan was close with the deputy superintendent of the Tangshan City Police Station at that time. They both like to smoke marijuana on women. have mutual benefit send drugs to each other have a deep relationship with each other

Yang Su Kuan had paid. “Protection fee” to the deputy commander and police up to two hundred thousand yuan per month, and also use an AUDI A8 car.

This police station superintendent didn’t just wait. “Opening a protective umbrella” for Yang Su Kuan to do many strange things. Still delivering weapons as well.

both having the authority to wait “Opening a protective umbrella.” With his subordinates, guns in hand, Yang Su Kuan became more and more excited. Even the wife of his associate manager’s assistant was not spared. also forced her to become friends, eat, drink, take pills, pamper him the cruel one is When the woman was eight months pregnant, she was hospitalized. He followed him to the patient room. Shout and threaten others not to interfere…

Yang Su Kuan also had a very scary and dangerous hobby…

Yang Suquan, the mafia of Tangshan City, was arrested in 2007 and the following year sentenced to life imprisonment.
7. He likes to play with guns.

The deputy superintendent of the police station has sent two guns to you? But he still wasn’t enough. Yang Su Kuan wanted a civilian explosives storage facility in Tangshan. and followed up until he learned that it was a warehouse for firearms and ammunition at the Tangshan Police Station. Because the police gun warehouse is too small, some weapons are stored at this factory.

At the end of March 2007, Yang Suquan made an appointment with Zhang Lisheng (张立升), an explosives factory manager who he wanted to hang out with. And talking regarding his favorite gun, Zhang Lisheng didn’t dare to make any decisions. Therefore, he sought advice from the Deputy Chief of the Peacekeeping Unit, Tai Yunlong (戴云龙 ).

Who would have expected…Tai Yunlong said that Yang Su Kuan was wealthy and had a lot of influence. His life is more important than our future. He wanted to play, let him play. Therefore, Yang Suquan acquired the explosives factory as his personal weapons warehouse. And got 21 types of firearms, which he not only brought back to play at his own home also distributed to the pensioners as well

Then, Yang Su Kuan led the men in the gang. Wielding a gun to intimidate people

Mr. Li Baoxun, a resident of Tangshan Causing something to upset Yang Su Kuan with a small matter. Yang Su Kuan had brought nine pensioners with firearms to his house for three days. Mr Li was so frightened that he didn’t dare go outside the door. When he learned that Li Baoshun was in the house, Yang Su Kuan then ordered his subordinates to fire four shots at the window of his partner’s house. The inhabitants of the community were all terrified.

In addition, Yang Su Kuan also used guns to intimidate the small companies. with the ambition of having his own mine Yang Su Kuan takes a gun-bearing henchman to negotiate with the owner of an iron ore mine in Qianxi County. Forced to sign a contract transferring mining rights to him at a cheap price.

not only this Yang Su Kuan often claimed that the funds were tight. take a pensioner holding a gun Drive armored cars to negotiate with lucrative companies. It starts with a “borrowing money” negotiation, which is actually extortion. He also extorted money from these companies, totaling nearly 500 million yuan!

What’s even more peculiar than this is This wicked mafia gang is also regarded as “Outstanding Company” and held a photo with the big people who visited Tangsan.
Finally, gun-wielding mafia gangs attack villagers to extort money. found a great wall

8. When Yang Su Kuan’s Huayun Company forced the purchase of the Cang Shun Company’s mines. Various scam scandals came to light and were reported to the relevant authorities.

On March 19, 2007, Yang Suquan was arrested at a luxury hotel in Tangshan. Police searched Yang Su Kuan’s house. Confiscated items including 35 guns, more than 330 ammunition, hunted and arrested more than 40 underlings in the mafia gang.

Finally, Yang Su Kuan was sentenced to life in prison. His gang’s underlings were convicted of various punishments…

From that moment on, Tang Sun continued to wreak havoc on the mafia gangs. Until in 2018, 70 crime gangs in Tang Sun swept away!

A group of nine thugs attacked a woman at a grill shop in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, June 10, 2022. (File photo, agency)
9. Gargden Mafia Tang Sun Rumbling in 2022

The ‘Social Weed’ is still not completely rooted out. How extensive is the law? There are still holes in the fishing net for the fish to survive…

Two months ago Mafia gangs in Tangshan have committed violence that terrified Chinese society across the country. This is the case of a gang attacking a woman at a grill restaurant in Tangsan City. by a gangster sexually abusing a woman when women respond A gang of nine thugs attacked the girl and her three friends. This brutal attack on a woman has become scandalous across the world.

One of the thugs who attacked the women was Liu Tao, who has been known to commit violence for years. The incident took place on Dec. 12, 2015. Liu Tao was unhappy with a dealer who demanded a deposit from him. therefore beat the merchant until the front part of the skull cracked brain injury broken arm bone”

Liu Tao managed to escape for two years, and on March 21, 2018, he was arrested. Mr Liu pleaded guilty in court and was given a light sentence of two years and one month in prison.

Another member of the gang is Chen Suzhi, who is suspected of lending Liu Tao a car during his escape from the police. Until eight cars collide…

A video clip shows Chen Mouzi (also known as Chen Suzie) giving testimony to the investigation team.  'Attacking a woman at a grill restaurant in Tangsan City'
Case of a gang of nine thugs who attacked a woman at a grill restaurant in Tangsan on June 10. It has shown that the gangster mafia scum still lurks in the dark world threatening people endlessly. After this incident, victims who had been harassed by mafia gangs revealed their cases on social media. People queuing for kite tails in front of the police station to complain regarding various threats from the mafia.

Tang San Police arrested a thug who attacked a woman at a restaurant two days following the incident. And most recently, on Monday (August 29), a Chinese media group released a statement from the Langfang police team responsible for investigating the violence, stating that Chen Mouzi or Chen. Suzie, the leader of the thug And 28 of his gang members have been an influential crime group since 2012 and have opened prosecutions for the mafia gang.

At the same time, 15 corrupt officials have been cleaned up. the person behind the waiting “Spread the umbrella” for the mafia who do bad things without anyone dare to touch .

data source

Take a look at the Tangshan underworld

28 suspects in Tangshan beating case were prosecuted and eight were detained for the issue of protective umbrella

Click to read previous news

Retrace the ‘King Mafia Tang Sun’ in the real world, scoffing at the sky and challenging the hell, part 1

Retrace the ‘Kot Mafia Tang Sun’ in the real world.



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