The Ukrainian government explodes large-scale treasonous acts against Zelensky and sacks 2 senior officials – yqqlm

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced late on the 17th that the head of the Ukrainian Security Service, Ivan Bakanov, and the Prosecutor General, Iryna Venediktova, were fired due to the large number of employees in the two departments. As many as 60 people have committed treason or collusion with Russia, and a total of 651 treasonous acts are currently being investigated in Kyiv.

According to CNN and the New York Times, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced in a speech late on the 17th that he would fire Ukrainian Security Service Chief Bakanov and Prosecutor General Vnedik. Towa and other two senior officials questioned their leadership and accused their subordinates of treason and collusion with Russia.

Zelensky pointed out that many people in the Ukrainian Security Service and the Prosecutor’s Office have been charged with treason. So far, the authorities are investigating as many as 651 criminal proceedings involving treason and collusion between the Prosecutor’s Office, investigative agencies and other law enforcement agencies.

Zelensky specifically mentioned that in the areas occupied by the Russian army, there are more than 60 officers of the Security Service and the Prosecutor’s Office ” once morest our country”. The connection between the troops and the Russian special personnel poses a very serious problem for the related leadership.”

U.S. officials pointed out that Zelensky’s opening of two high-ranking officials showed that he hoped that the main position responsible for national security might be replaced by more experienced people, but officials also emphasized that the replacement of security chief Bakanov did not mean that the United States provided Ukrainian intelligence information was leaked, or the Ukrainian intelligence system was infiltrated by Russia. During the Russian-Ukrainian war, the U.S. intelligence unit mainly cooperated with the Ukrainian military intelligence system.

It is worth noting that the replaced Ukrainian security chief Bakanov was actually Zelensky’s childhood playmate and long-time friend. Before entering politics, the two were working partners in the entertainment industry. Actor, Bakanov is the director.

After Zelensky became president, Bakanov was one of several entertainers who followed him into the government and held public office. His ability was also questioned by political opponents because of his lack of political experience.

After Russia invaded Ukraine in late February, the southern city of Kherson fell almost without resistance within a week, drawing criticism from Bakanov and the Ukrainian Security Service. POLITICO” reported in June that Zelensky was considering replacing Bakanov.

The Ukrainian Security Service, referred to as “SBU”, is the main security and intelligence agency in Ukraine. The organization is inherited from the Soviet-era intelligence agency National Security Council (KGB). It has regarding 27,000 employees and is the largest security agency in Europe. In recent years Faced with calls for reform, the UK’s domestic intelligence and security service, MI5, has regarding 4,400 employees by comparison.

Article Source:Zelensky fires top officials over staffers’ ‘collaboration’ with Russia
Article Source:Zelensky fires his prosecutor general and intelligence chief, the top two law enforcement officials.



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