The U.S. transportation secretary touted his political achievements and avoided talking about the train derailment in Ohio, which was criticized by many politicians – yqqlm

The U.S. Secretary of Transportation touted his political achievements and avoided talking about the derailment of the train in Ohio, which was criticized by many politicians

Hangzhou Net Release time: 2023-02-14 13:12

Overseas Network, February 14th According to reports from the US “Newsweek” and other media on February 13th, US Secretary of Transportation Buttigieg talked about his political achievements when he attended the event that day, and he was very concerned about the vinyl chloride leak caused by the train derailment in Ohio. But kept silent. In this regard, many American politicians, including congressmen, have criticized it, saying that “it is a miracle that the United States can still function under such a regime.”

Speaking at the annual meeting of the National Association of Counties on the 13th, Buttigieg touted the ongoing construction of infrastructure projects, calling it an “exciting time.” However, Buttigieg did not mention the vinyl chloride leakage accident caused by the derailment of the train and the subsequent impact that the American people are urgently concerned about, which immediately aroused a lot of criticism.

Former Texas Republican Representative Flores wrote: “What impact will the train derailment in Ohio have on local farmers, nearby residents and supply chains? Where is Buttigieg at this time?” Burt also slammed the U.S. transportation secretary: “Buttigieg finally showed up today, but he didn’t say a word about the train derailment in Ohio. It’s a miracle America is still functioning under such a regime.” Minnesota Democratic Representative Omar bluntly said that this derailment will have a major negative impact on the health and well-being of residents for decades. “We need Congress to investigate, and the Secretary of Transportation needs to take direct action to solve this tragedy.”

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Ohio state hazardous materials expert Sil Caggiano told the media that the accident was equivalent to “destroying a town with chemicals.” He also said that in 5 to 20 years, there may be a large number of cancers in the local people patient.

source:overseas network Author: Overseas Network Zhang Ni Editor: Chen Zhouying

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