The typhoon continuously bypasses the treasure island and Japan is also curious to laugh: the typhoon is managed by Taiwan

A netizen po posted a picture of NHK, the Japan Broadcasting Association, showing multiple typhoons bypassing Taiwan, laughing and saying, “Tsk, it’s been too much fun and it was discovered.”Figure: Retrieved from Irene Twitter

[新頭殼newtalk] Another typhoon passed through Taiwan and did not enter. Not only the Chinese people who have not had a typhoon holiday for three years are curious, but even the Japanese people are beginning to wonder. A map of the main path of a typhoon from NHK, the Japan Broadcasting Association, aroused public curiosity, because typhoon paths in recent years show that almost all of them bypass Taiwan. Some villagers asked on PTT: “Typhoon from the capital? What does it mean to skip Taiwan directly”? Some netizens responded hilariously, NHK said that there is a typhoon, and Taiwan’s wind is controlled by Taiwan.

This year’s No. 12 typhoon Meihua is approaching, and 10 counties and cities in Taiwan have issued torrential rain warnings. Affected by its peripheral circulation, the reservoirs north of the central region have to make a big hit.However, the plum blossom typhoon once again passed through Taiwan and did not enter, and some villagers were there.PTTQuestion above: What is the estimated typhoon path for each month in recent years given by NHK? Capital typhoon? What does it mean to skip Taiwan directly? Legislator Wang Dingyu also posted a picture of NHK on Facebook, saying with a smile that “even Japanese friends are puzzled.”

In fact, this is July this year, NHK“Understanding current events”The picture of the special article, quoted from the Japan Meteorological Agency, mainly explains that whether a typhoon hits Japan depends on the conditions of the Pacific anticyclone and westerly winds.

According to Japanese statistics, an average of 26 typhoons occur every year, of which an average of 3 typhoons will hit Japan, and an average of about 11 typhoons will approach within 300 kilometers of Japan; and in winter or early spring, few typhoons approach Japan.

It’s just that NHK’s picture is too obvious. Almost every typhoon bypasses Taiwan, making netizens wonder: what is the current typhoon? Is the capital typhoon? Some netizens laughed back, saying that “Typhoon” (in Japanese), Taiwan’s wind is controlled by Taiwan; D netizens pointed out that Taiwan has the Central Mountains, and no one dared to challenge it; some netizens laughed and said that the employer spent a lot of money to set up a weather control system La! Yen asked in surprise, does Taiwan also have black technology in Area 51? Some people laughed back to “President Xiaoying’s eight characters are heavy”.

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