The type of vitamin that helps to gain muscle mass and gain weight in a healthy way

modern life

These contribute to the process of obtaining energy from the body and help in the formation of red blood cells.


Muscle strengthening can help build strong bones, control weight, improve quality of life, contribute to better balance and reduce the risk of falls, treat chronic conditions, sharpen intellectual abilities, among others, according to Mayo Clinica non-profit entity dedicated to clinical practice, education and research.

“Muscle mass is made up of the total set of tissue commonly called muscle. Skeletal muscle is an organ whose fundamental function is to facilitate movement, joint stability and structural protection of our skeleton. This has the ability to expand or bulge, a fact that will depend on the force that we apply to the muscle. The more force, the greater the subject’s muscle mass will be to be able to oppose resistance ”, explained the physical educator Daniel Molina, director of the Muscular Analysis Center, in Madrid, to the Spanish magazine ¡Hola!

These vitamins contribute to the process of obtaining energy from the body and help in the formation of red blood cells. For the body to obtain them, you can consume fish, chicken, beef, eggs and dairy products.

Exercise and rest, the key to increasing muscle mass

To achieve this goal, most people think that doing physical activity every day will reduce excess fat faster. This has become a very common mistake, since, although training is essential, rest is also a crucial part of achieving great results.

According to Cuídate Plus, rest “for the body is a regenerative process as well as an adaptation process to be prepared for the next training session.”

Many people who constantly perform routines feel guilty for not exercising on some days. However, rest is also important for the body to recover muscle fibers and thus perform better in the coming days.

“There is a tendency to believe that the more exercise you do, the better the result, but this is not always the case. Exercising six days a week without taking any breaks will end up achieving the goal that is completely contrary to what is intended ”, reads the aforementioned study.

People looking to increase their muscle mass should rest to rebuild muscle fibers. Muscle groups that require less effort time should be allowed to rest for 24 hours; however, other more demanding groups, such as the back or chest, require a minimum of 48 to 72 hours of rest to obtain results.

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