The Tyets, Figa Flawas y Stay Homas

The Tyets, Figa Flawas y Stay Homas

Chenoa, The Tyets, Stay Homas, Figa Flawas, La Hungara, Lia Kali, Gemma Humet, the Pony Menut or the Montgrins Orchestraare some of the first names that will be part of the musical program of the Major Festival 2024, as progress has been made Terrassa City Council (Vallès occidental).

The artists will perform in the city between June 28 and July 3. A poster with names recognized by career or popular following, “in which for another year we wanted to continue betting on female talent, not only with soloists but also with bands made up entirely of women, such as Alergicas al Polen, the Testarudes, Las Que Faltaband or the Coral Ohana”, details sources from the Vallesana town hall.

For his part, the mayor of the city, Jordi Ballart (TxT), states that “music is one of the pillars of the Fiesta Mayor and being able to have well-known artists and groups that satisfy the largest possible audience has been one of our main objectives when programming the Festival’s line-up of performances. Major and I think this year we have achieved it.” In this sense, the mayor also wanted to highlight the potential and variety of the offer, which has a wide presence of local formations. “Terrassa is a cultural reference in many areas, with artists and groups with great projection and we believe that being able to play at home is an act of responsibility as a city and projection for all these groups.”

The singer, songwriter and presenter Chenoa is one of the first names confirmed and will perform on Saturday, June 29, at 12 midnight, on the stage in Plaza Nova. The Mallorcan is one of the most prominent artists on the music scene in recent years, with more than a million records sold and millions of views on the Internet.

Plaza Nova will also host the performance of The Tyets, another of the prominent names on the musical lineup of the Fiesta Mayor. On Friday, June 28, at 10 p.m., the thugs Oriol de Ramon and Xavier Coca will present their second album, “Èpic Solete,” in Terrassa. The Stay Homas, the emblematic trio that emerged in the spring of 2020 as a result of confinement,

has also confirmed its presence at the Terrassa Festival, a band that will play on the Vela del stage Vallparadís park, on Sunday, June 30 at 10 p.m.

Hours before, the same Vela space in Vallparadís will be the scene of the performance of the Figa Flawas. One of the groups with the greatest projection of the Catalan urban music scene, will be another of the outstanding performances of this year’s Festival. And on Saturday, June 29 at 1:30 a.m., it will be Lia Kali’s turn in the Vela space.

La Húngara is another of the notable names in the musical program for this year’s Festival. The flamenco singer will perform in the city on Sunday, June 30, at 11 p.m., in Plaza Nova. Also Plaza Nova will be the scene of the show “Terrassa is from Rumba“, in which on Monday of the Fiesta Mayor groups such as Micu, the Caipirinhas Rumberus from Terrassa will perform, in addition to the timely return of the historic local group Yerba Mate.

Wide participation from Terrassa

In this first confirmation of artists scheduled for the 2024 Festival, the broad presence of local artists such as Gemma Humet also stands out, who will perform on Tuesday of the Festival on the stage of the Plaza del Rector Homs to present her latest work “Espejos” . Other names from the local scene scheduled are Griffi, with her joint project with SR. Wilson (Mr. Wilson & Griffi); the punkrock cover group Fescat Goes Punk, Eloi Querol; New Planet; Listen to me; the Terrassa 48 Chamber Orchestra; Peaches; Too much Coral; or the Terrassa Bandamong others.

Local groups that will have a prominent place in the programming, performing in venues that are already common at the Festival such as Plaza Nova, the Vela del Vallparadís park, Plaza Vella, Vapor Ventalló, Casa Alegre or Plaza del Rector Homs.

One of the new features this year will be the new space set up in the northern area of ​​Rambla de Ègara, next to the National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia, which will be the scene, on Sunday the 30th, of the performances of different local bands like Boxets, Eloi Querol or Sunday Ghost Blues. Furthermore, in this space, on Saturday evening, the Moguda Rock will be hosted, with performances by local historical groups such as La Linea or Jinetes del Tiempo and groups from the current Terrassa music scene such as Midnite Motel, Vrademargk or Cristales en la Sangre .

One more year, the Plaza del Rector OMS and the Casa Alegre de Sagrera will once once more be the stages that will host the proposals most linked to styles such as classical music, oral, opera and zarzuela, gospel or author’s song. In these spaces you can see the performances, among others, of the Orfeo Sociedad Juventud Terrassenca, Cor Vine, JazzCor, Terrassa Canta, Oh! Orchestra or the orchestras of the Terrassa Conservatory.

Read all the news from Terrassa in EL PERIÓDIÓN Terrassa

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