The Twenty-Seven call for “humanitarian pauses” in Gaza

2023-10-26 18:16:28


October 26, 2023

EU leaders are expected to call on Thursday for “humanitarian pauses” in the war between Israel and Hamas to ensure aid reaches Gaza.

The 27 leaders of the European Union (EU), meeting this Thursday at a summit, are trying to send the message ofa Europe united in the face of the challenges posed by two major conflicts upsetting geopolitical balances, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas. The stakes are high because differences are emerging between Europeans on both fronts.

In this debate, the EU’s task is to demonstrate that the war in the Middle East does not overshadow the Ukrainian conflictas Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks to take advantage ofless media attention on the invasion of Ukraine and D’greater US military involvement alongside Israel to the detriment of kyiv.

A few months before the European elections, European heads of state and government are also afraid of the slightest misstep.

“Humanitarian breaks”

The Twenty-Seven began their summit with a videoconference exchange with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. They then discussed for several hours on the situation in the Middle East, all phones turned off. “It was long and complex, with everyone wanting to talk for at least 20 minutes,” said a close source present in the room.

European leaders have been struggling, for several days, to find the right formula for call Israel and Hamas a suspension of hostilities allowing sufficient humanitarian aid to be delivered to the Gaza Strip.

According to the draft conclusions consulted by L’Echo, the Twenty-Seven finally agreed to call “continued, rapid, safe and unimpeded humanitarian access and assistance“into the Gaza Strip by all necessary measures,” including corridors and humanitarian breaks“.

“Hamas must release its hostages unconditionally, because taking someone hostage is a war crime.”

Alexander De Croo

Belgian Prime Minister

Originally, the text called for a “humanitarian pause”, at the request of France and other states, such as Spain and Ireland, traditional defenders of Palestine. But certain countries, such as Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic, have rejected a formula which, in their eyes, resembles a ceasefire which would prevent Israel from defending itself against attacks by the terrorist group Hamas. Berlin favors “humanitarian windows”, while Vienna refuses any suggestion of “a pause”.

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo at the European summit, October 26, 2023.

When he arrived at the European Council, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open Vld) highlighted two priorities. “Hamas must release the hostages immediately and unconditionally. Because taking someone hostage is a war crime,” he said. But “Israel must also provide continued access to the Gaza Strip so that humanitarian aid can achieve this.

“Whatever atrocities have occurred, Israel has the right to defend itself and prevent future attacks. But this can never be an excuse for indiscriminate actions,” he added.

Deep divergences

“Israel is a democratic state with very humanitarian principles that guide it.”

Olaf Scholz

German Chancellor

The differences between Europeans on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are historic. During an emergency summit convened on October 15the Twenty-Seven condemned without reservation and unanimously the terrorist attack carried out by Hamas, recognizing Israel’s right to defend itself in accordance with international law.

More this consensus disappeared when it came to asking Israel to stop the bombing of the Gaza Stripbecause this ceasefire would allow Hamas to reconstitute itself and attack the Israeli population again.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and European Council President Charles Michel at the European summit on October 26.

Countries closer to Israel also support theland offensive being prepared. “Israel is a democratic state with very humanitarian principles that guide it and we can therefore be sure that the Israeli army will respect the rules of international law in what it does. I have no doubt about that,” he said. declared German Chancellor Olaf Scholz upon his arrival at the summit.

Added to these divergences between States a different position between the European Commission, very quick to support Israel after the massacre committed by Hamas, and the European Councillooking for a position that avoids provoking the Muslim world.

Support for Ukraine

The objective was to reassure the Ukrainian leader by promising aid 20 billion euros over a period of four years to purchase military equipment.

“We have worked hard on a diamond traceability solution that will make the market more transparent.”

Alexander De Croo

Belgian Prime Minister

“We want to reassure our Ukrainian partner that we keep the war in Ukraine at the top of our agenda“, confided a European diplomat on the eve of the summit.

The EU also plans to support the Ukrainian state up to 50 billion euros for its operation and reconstruction.

European leaders were to discussa review of the EU multiannual budget (2021-2027) on the basis of a proposal from the European Commission to increase it by 66 billion euros to finance aid to Ukraine. For Belgium, this would require an additional annual effort of between 600 and 800 million euros, according to Prime Minister Alexander De Croo. But for the moment, no agreement is planned due to differences between the Twenty-Seven.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, close to the Kremlin, continues to slow down the adoption of additional budgets for Ukraine. Orban is also under fire for his handshake with Vladimir Putin in China.

“It’s really strange to see that we are starting to flirt with a regime that is committing very cruel atrocities on Ukrainian territory“, said Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda.

The new Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, pro-Russian, announced the end of arms deliveries from his country to Ukraine. His statements were eagerly awaited on Thursday at the start of the summit. But he refrained from speaking to the press. His country, very dependent on European cohesion funds, has no means of pressure within the EU.

Embargo on Russian diamonds

The Twenty-Seven should also give a boost to a new package of sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. According to our information, a text is expected next week at Coreper (Committee of Permanent Representatives).

Belgium plays a leading role in preparing an embargo on the Russian diamond sector. “We have worked a lot on a diamond traceability solution which will make the market more transparent,” said Alexander De Croo.

The summary

  • The Twenty-Seven, meeting at a summit in Brussels, should agree on a call for “humanitarian pauses” in the war between Israel and Hamas in order to allow sufficient aid to be delivered to the Gaza Strip.
  • During this summit, EU leaders will try to demonstrate that the war in the Middle East does not overshadow the Ukrainian conflictas Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks to take advantage ofless media attention on the invasion of Ukraine.

#TwentySeven #call #humanitarian #pauses #Gaza

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