“The tumor is a rare ovarian cancer. I am optimistic”

About three months ago Maayan Adam shared an unusual case that led to hospitalization after her pregnant belly refused to descend for a long period of time – which turned out to be an abnormally large cyst. “Something unusual happened to my stomach that they don’t know,” she wrote at the time.

Today (Saturday) Adam revealed that the cyst that was discovered was a rare cancerous growth in her ovary. “The truth is that I have no idea what to write, that’s why I didn’t tell until now, but I also don’t want to falsify the reality and keep it in my stomach anymore, after all, that’s the reason for everything in the first place. The answers came back from the pathology. My tumor is a rare ovarian cancer, and I’ve been undergoing tests for several weeks to look for more tumors or leftovers,” she shared in a post on her Instagram account where she also attached a video from her hospitalization.

“All the tests so far have come back excellent, I’m optimistic and feel that I was lucky. If the tumor hadn’t grown so fast, I wouldn’t have noticed it and the cancer would have spread to metastases in no time,” she continued. “This weekend I underwent another long surgery as part of the investigation and in a few weeks the results will arrive after which it will be possible to make decisions. I wish you wouldn’t worry about me, and wouldn’t give me a pitying look in the street, because I’m really in a good situation! I feel lucky! And I won many more years with my family, friends, and perfect daughters.”

For Adam, this is not an easy year at all, since as we know, in the events of October 7, she buried her little sister, the late Mefel, after she was murdered at a Nova party in Kibbutz Reim. Only health and good news.

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