The Truth Behind Japanese Sounding Brands: Exposing the Real Origins of Popular Products

2023-12-09 07:56:51
2023-12-09 15:56 Lianhe News Network Comprehensive Report A netizen discovered that a massage chair with a name that sounded like a Japanese brand was actually not a Japanese brand. Schematic diagram/in…

Many people choose more famous brands when shopping. A netizen discovered that a massage chair with a name that sounded like a Japanese brand was actually not a Japanese brand. This surprised many people and sparked a discussion.

The original PO is atPTT WomenTalkPosted a message saying that now I know that the FUJI massage chair is not a Japanese brand, but “turns out to be a Taiwanese brand.” As soon as the post came out, netizens left comments such as “I was also deceived, I always thought it was a Japanese brand”, “Taiwanese brands like to pretend to be Japanese”, “You are mistaken that FUJI is a Chinese brand”, “FUJI is now Chinese-owned” , “I really don’t know…”, “The same goes for Kaguya.”

In addition, some netizens listed Taiwanese brands that are similar but not Japanese brands, including Tokuyo (massage chair), Sakura (kitchenware), Taiwa Kobo (kettle), Hokkaido Lover (snacks), August Hall (croissant) ), Japanese Medicine Honpo (cosmeceuticals), Morita Cosmeceuticals (cosmeceuticals); MINISO (daily necessities) is a Chinese brand.

YouTube channel “Stop Kiddin’ Studio” has also shared videos in the past “You must have the wrong country of origin for a famous brand”, for example, SUPERDRY is actually a British brand; Häagen-Dazs ice cream is the flagship ice cream brand of General Mills in the United States; Watsons is headquartered in Hong Kong.

Brand Japanese Massage

Further reading

#famous #massage #chair #Japanese #brand #shocked #Internet #lot #Japanese #names #Villagers #read #news #Oops

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