“The truth about Vannacci and now tax cuts” –

Angela Barbieri

Matteo Salvini has already returned to work after a few days of vacation in Salento. And from his office at the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure he took stock of the challenges on the government’s table and the priorities that the League will carry forward in the coming weeks and months. We start with the European game, with the choice of the Italian name that will be part of Ursula von der Leyen’s new team. “Raffaele Fitto has all the credentials to be an excellent European commissioner appointed by this government,” Salvini explained live on social media the day after the meeting with Giorgia Meloni in the farmhouse in Puglia, “an afternoon of break and serenity, with the family.” “In addition to politics, there is also friendship, esteem and trust, we work really well together – the words of the League secretary – the newspapers know it and invent arguments, divisions and controversies that do not exist, neither on the nominations nor on the European Commission.”

Vannacci's party is coming? Colonels' maneuvers, name and statute emerge

To give the green light to the departure from Rome of the Minister for European Affairs, the Prime Minister is asking for the competences on the Internal Budget and the PNRR, but not only that. The aim is in fact to combine them with those on the Cohesion Funds. Up until the last minute, however, it is not certain that the choice will definitely fall on Fitto. The Rai nominations, on the other hand, represent the most urgent dossier, together with that of the Budget, on which the government will have to take stock and find the solution when parliamentary work resumes. The attempt by Fratelli d’Italia to close before the summer break has in fact foundered in front of the requests of the allies (Forza Italia is aiming for the presidency of the public service with Simona Agnes, but the League, to give the green light in Supervision, is demanding the indication of the new DG, a role that will be vacated by Giampaolo Rossi, in pole position as the next CEO on the FdI quota). At the summit between Meloni, Salvini and Tajani scheduled for August 30, the center-right leaders will try to find a synthesis to overcome the impasse. The meeting will then serve to establish priorities in view of the maneuver. “We are already working on the next budget law – added Salvini – As far as the League is concerned and I think for the entire government, maintaining salary increases will be the priority, it means lowering taxes. We are also working to increase the flat tax, the tax cut for the self-employed, artisans, traders and self-employed workers and to help those who can no longer cope with the exit from the world of work, overcoming the constraints of the Fornero law. So taxes, salaries and pensions: we can’t do everything right away but we are working on it”.

Meloni-Salvini, meeting in a farmhouse: the three-way summit with Tajani on August 30

The citizenship dossier will hardly find space at the table, given the different sensitivities on the subject by the majority parties. “The ius soli and the ius scholae are not in the government program, on the contrary there is the certainty of punishment and true integration”, Salvini made clear, adding that “Italy is the European country that grants the most citizenship to foreign citizens who apply after 10 years, upon reaching the age of eighteen being integrated and there is no need, no urgency to change. The citizenship law exists, it works”. “Let’s deal with something else”, is therefore the message of the leader of the Carroccio, who excludes having to manage a possible farewell of General Roberto Vannacci in the immediate future: “There are some newspapers that invent Vannacci’s parties. I also heard from him this morning via message, I hear from him every other day too, and we laugh about the surreal reconstructions with the reliability of Mickey Mouse on alleged parties. Vannacci will be at the big rally in Pontida on October 6 and I think he will be able to do a lot for the League and for Italy by fighting our battles in Brussels”. Finally, a passage on the Bridge over the Strait, which in these days will be shown virtually at the Rimini Meeting: “The objective remains the final approval of the project and the opening of the construction sites by 2024. Between direct and indirect jobs, it will create 120 thousand jobs for companies throughout Italy”.

#truth #Vannacci #tax #cuts #Tempo
2024-08-21 07:16:32



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