The Truth About Dermaplaning: Eva Mendes Breaks Taboos with Her Transparent Instagram Posts

2023-06-10 12:00:00

Have you ever heard of “dermaplaning”? This is a shaving technique practiced in an institute which consists, with the help of a blade or a scalpel, of removing the first layer of dead skin from the face as well as the down. Yes, sometimes even when you are a woman you have to go through the shaving box depending on your hairiness. A completely normal ritual, which nevertheless remains quite taboo today…

But Eva Mendes wanted to trivialize the subject in her own way. In recent Instagram posts, she revealed photos of her dermaplanning session. Clichés which of course reacted to Internet users, who notably congratulated the actress for her transparency on the subject. “I love that you share this with us. You show us that what you do is normal, you let it be known that you are like us”, writes in particular in comment a user of Instagram.

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Another Internet user also asked him how often he should do dermaplaning. What Eva Mendes responded with a lot of humor. “I’m a beast, so I need to do it on average every other day. My hair grows back when I get chills. Anyone else feel the same? Literally, when I shave my legs in the shower and get chills, it’s like I haven’t shaved.” No taboo for the wife of Ryan Gossling.

#Eva #Mendez #Explains #Shaving #Face #Day #Beast

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