The Truth About Collagen: Debunking Myths and Understanding the Benefits

2023-12-19 06:59:11

Collagen is the basis of all tissues in the human body.

Depending on the type, a collagen molecule can contain up to 28 amino acids, which, like beads, are connected into chains that form threads. The threads twist like twine and form a spiral, similar to a spring. This makes our skin elastic, gives flexibility to muscles, tendons and cartilage, elasticity to blood vessels and intestines.

However, as you age, collagen becomes less abundant. That’s when the need to receive it from outside comes. And at this stage we go into the valley of myths and legends.

Myth 1. Collagen doesn’t work!

Cheap collagen derivatives – hydrolysates (so-called peptides) that are contained in 98% of all budget collagen supplements do not work. Essentially, it is just a set of amino acids of unknown origin.

Real undenatured collagen is a highly digestible, 100% hypoallergenic dietary product. This collagen is effective.

Myth 2. Collagen is absorbed only with vitamin C.

Natural collagen does not need helpers. Thanks to their original structure, such molecules begin to perform their functions. But manufacturers are forced to add vitamin C to hydrolysates, which helps the body recognize isolated amino acids as something similar to a food derivative.

Myth 3: Excess collagen is harmful.

If we are talking regarding hydrolysates of unknown origin, then it is difficult to predict the effect even from their dosed use. This is literally a shock blow and stress for the body, caused by the direct entry of “stimulants” into the blood, creating overload for all organs with increased blood supply (liver, kidneys).

Undenatured collagen works differently. Especially collagen, produced from the protoprotein of the squid mantle, that is, the protein containing the primary evolutionary code common to all creatures of planet Earth. Unneeded by the body, i.e., unsplit molecules are eliminated from the body naturally, without having a harmful effect and, moreover, performing the function of cleansing the body (detox) from heavy metal salts, carcinogens, pesticides and toxins.

Myth 4. Destroyed collagen works better because it is easier to digest.

The hydrolyzate has low bioavailability, because it is actively metabolized by the liver, lymph and kidneys, so its half-life from the body is 1.5 hours. That is, during the time that the product is in the body, it does not have time to have any positive effect.

Another thing is a whole molecule containing a sequence of amino acids. The body perceives it as “native” and starts the production of its own collagens.

Myth 5. Collagen causes allergies

Unlike hydrolyzate, collagen produced from sea squid, which completely lacks a circulatory system, is 100% hypoallergenic and has zero cytotoxicity. It is not a dietary supplement and does not contain any additives or additives. Because it is a pure supplement that enriches the diet with natural, bioavailable collagen.

In Kaliningrad, there is the only enterprise in the world that extracts collagen from the mantle of deep-sea squid living in its natural environment. The extraction and processing of raw materials is carried out under an exclusive agreement with the Peruvian Marine Institute using Swiss technology. And now on the company website Varseas There are special pre-New Year prices for all products with discounts of up to 65%.

*Not a medicine or dietary supplement.

#Anti #Collagen #Trend #Myths #Truths #AntiAging #Pills



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