The Trump-Harris Showdown: Analyzing Its Influence on Independent Voter Perspectives

While the American media counted down the hours and minutes to the confrontation, precisely here in the Washington area I did not see a special feature. On the road leading from the capital to nearby Maryland, I saw only one election sign in favor of Harris-Waltz. On the campus of the local university, girls competed in soccer, and at the Hillel center of the Jewish students, another event was held during the debate.

Trump on Harris: “If she is elected – Israel will cease to exist within two years” // abc news

You can understand them. Relative to the dramas that rocked the 2024 election, the Trump-Harris showdown was ultimately a routine debate between presidential candidates. Unlike Biden two months ago, neither of them collapsed but neither did they win by knockout. It can be estimated that neither of them managed to sway supporters of the other. The battle was for those in the middle and they would also decide the close elections.

And here the moderators of ABC, who did a bad job, played into the hands of Donald Trump. They directed most of the questions to him and tried to settle accounts with him, but focusing on him only allowed him to explain many of the allegations directed at him all these years. It played in his favor.

Trump. Erek looked at the camera, photo: AP

Beyond that, Trump did not look in the direction of Harris but only at the camera, that is, at the public. This is while she was looking at him for almost the entire confrontation – thereby sending an implicit message that he is the leader and she is following him.

Harris also found it difficult to respond to many of the allegations that Trump has leveled at her and the administration she served in a senior role. Strangely, she wrote a lot of notes on the pages in front of her but hardly shared what she wrote with the viewers. In short, Trump projected strength, leadership, and mastery of details. Here and there the redhead escaped him, but those who are not among his haters and do not like Kamala will be able to overcome that. In the end he did discipline himself.

Harris. She had difficulty responding to the claims, photo: AFP

The question of the questions is how the conflict will affect the self-voters, or those who are in the middle and have not yet decided who to support. As mentioned, Trump got an opportunity to explain to them many of the allegations against him. Harris introduced herself and told a beautiful story. However, it is doubtful whether this is enough to convince the voters that she deserves to be president.

The final line is the attitude towards Israel. Harris stated twice that she supports Israel, and that she has the right to defend herself, especially against Iran. If she wins the confrontation or the elections, these sentences may be very important to Israel.

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What were the main topics‌ discussed during the Trump-Harris debate, and how did⁢ they resonate with undecided voters?

The Trump-Harris Debate: A Routine Confrontation with a⁣ Key Question Remaining

In ⁣the ⁤highly anticipated presidential⁤ debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, ‌the American media built up the excitement, ⁢but in the Washington ⁢area, ‌life went on as usual. On the road leading ⁤from the capital to nearby Maryland, only one election sign in favor⁢ of Harris-Waltz was spotted, and on ⁢the campus of the ​local university, girls competed in soccer while another ‍event was held at the Hillel center of the Jewish students during the debate.

The debate itself was​ a routine confrontation between⁣ the two presidential candidates, with neither⁤ of them managing to sway supporters of the other. ‍The battle ⁣was for those in the middle, ‍who will ultimately decide the close elections. According to ​a CNN Flash Poll, a majority of debate watchers believe⁤ that Kamala Harris‍ outperformed⁣ Donald‌ Trump [[1]]. However, other ‍analyses suggest that Trump projected ‌strength, leadership, and mastery of details, ⁢which may have played in his favor [[2]].

The⁤ moderators of ABC were criticized​ for ‍doing a bad job, ⁣directing ⁤most‍ of the questions to Trump⁤ and trying ⁤to settle accounts ‌with him. This allowed Trump‌ to explain many ⁣of the allegations directed⁢ at him over the years, which played⁤ to his advantage. Additionally,⁤ Trump’s strategy of ⁣looking at the ⁢camera, rather ⁣than at Harris, sent⁢ an implicit message that he is ‍the leader and she is ‌following him ​ [[3]].

Harris, on the​ other hand, ‌found it difficult to respond⁤ to many of the allegations leveled at ⁢her⁣ and the administration she served in a senior role. She ‌wrote a lot of notes‌ on the pages in front of her but hardly shared what she wrote with the ⁣viewers. This‍ may have given Trump an opportunity to project strength and‌ leadership.

The question remains, how ‌will the conflict affect the self-voters, or those who are in the middle and have not yet decided who to support? The answer to this question will be‌ crucial in determining ⁤the outcome ‍of the presidential election.

the Trump-Harris debate was a routine⁢ confrontation between two presidential candidates,‌ with neither of them managing to‌ sway supporters of the other. The battle ‌is on for ⁢those in the middle, who ‍will​ ultimately decide the close elections. Will Trump’s projection of‍ strength and leadership be enough to win over ‍the undecided voters, or will Harris’s performance be⁣ enough to convince them‌ to support her? Only time will tell.





What were the main topics discussed during the Trump-Harris debate?

The Trump-Harris Debate: A Routine Confrontation with a Key Question Remaining

The highly anticipated presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris took place recently, with the American media building up the excitement. However, in the Washington area, life went on as usual, with only one election sign in favor



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