Reading WhatsApp messages while remaining discreet is possible. Indeed, some effective tricks allow you to read the messages you have received, without the two checkmarks turning blue. You can thus take your time before replying to a message, without the recipient suspecting anything. That said, learn how to read a WhatsApp message without opening the app and logging in.
Read a message discreetly
WhatsApp is a communication application that allows you to send instant messages to your contacts, but also to receive them. Only downside: the application always informs the recipient that we have read his message through two checkmarks that appear in blue next to the message. Be aware, however, that it is possible to read a WhatsApp message discreetly, without opening the application, and without even logging in.
Two tips are offered to the user.
– Use the WhatsApp widget to read messages: to do this, go to your phone’s home screen and tap on an empty space. Hold your finger down for a few seconds to see the Widgets option appear. Click on it and search for WhatsApp application. Click on this widget, making sure to choose the WhatsApp 4×2 format. Thus, you can add a widget to the home screen that gives you an overview of your latest messages received. Each time you receive a message, you will see it displayed in the sidebar of this widget, without you having to open your WhatsApp application. Note that you can change the size of the widget, and enlarge it to display as many messages as possible. To do this, just press the widget for a few seconds and change its dimensions. Note that this trick is only available on Android phones.
– Read messages using the notification bar: when you receive a message, it is displayed in the notification panel. Just pull down the notification bar, located at the top, so you can read the message, without opening the app. For this trick to work, it is important to first enable notifications from the WhatsApp app, in your phone settings.
WhatsApp chats
In addition to these tricks, it is also possible to open the WhatsApp application to read a message, without the two checkmarks turning blue. Just turn off read receipt in app settings. To do this, open your application and click on the 3 vertical dots located at the top, right of the screen. Click Settings, then My Account. Next, choose the Privacy option, and scroll down to find the Read receipts option. You just have to uncheck it to read your messages discreetly. Note that by disabling this option, it will no longer be possible for you to see if your message has been read. Even if your recipient reads your message, both checkmarks will remain gray.
Source: writing and web
Reading WhatsApp messages while remaining discreet is possible. Indeed, some effective tricks allow you to read the messages you have received, without the two checkmarks turning blue. You can thus take your time before replying to a message, without the recipient suspecting anything. That said, find out how to read a WhatsApp message without opening…