The trees and the hyena on the poster for REEF 2022

Initiated by the Council for the Environment and Beirut DC, the “Environmental and film meetings” are in their fourth edition. Baptized this year “REEF zero waste”, they will be held from September 1 to 4 in Kobeyate, in Akkar. The aim is to raise public awareness and initiate debate around ecological and environmental themes. Thus, for four days, films and hikes will animate Kobayate and the neighboring regions. For 2022, this festival will discover the various trees of Akkar, such as silica firs, cedars, junipers and arbutus, as well as their role in the preservation of life and the conservation of the climate and the earth. . A roundtable will be organized to discuss the dangers facing trees in Lebanon, and experts from the region will propose solutions to make their lives longer and healthier. To complement this information, a program of local and international films highlights the theme of trees, portraying them as true heroes.

On the film side, a competition of short films under the theme of solidarity will also take place. Nine Lebanese and Syrian short films were selected. They highlight the effective work of individuals in community. Two of them will be awarded by a jury made up of Lebanese actress Christine Choueiri, Egyptian filmmaker Amal Ramsis and Spanish producer Felipe Lage Coro. A third prize will be awarded by the public. In addition, several training courses and creative workshops have been created upstream to help locals tell their own stories and express themselves on key environmental and rural issues. For the youngest, an animation workshop took place with Fadi Syriani (Youth Animation Platform). Another workshop, led by filmmaker Amal Ramsis, aims to encourage Akkar women of all ages and backgrounds to create one-minute short films. All the short films made by the participants will also be presented during the REEF.

Finally, REEF will also go to Rachaya el-Wadi, in the Bekaa, where a campsite is organized in partnership with the ecotourism association “Rachaya and Beyond. Outdoor film screenings will also be on the agenda. As well as Yom al-debs (Grape Molasses Day), which is a special day of hiking and debs tasting, which Rachaya and Beyond has been organizing since 2016. Finally, it should be noted that this event is supported by the French Institute of Beirut, the Swiss Embassy, ​​the British Council, the PCPM, the GIZ and the Goethe Institut. It takes place in partnership with Cedar Environmental, Le Salon culturel de Kobeyate, Aflamuna and the media City Cable.

Éliane Raheb, organizer of this festival, talks regarding it to “L’OLJ”.

Why zero waste REEF? What are the main themes of this festival?

We have named this edition as such because we aim to spread the culture and knowledge of zero waste and to implement it directly in the entire structure of the festival. And we hope to meet the challenge by combining our efforts and creativity to achieve this mission. Several workshops will begin before REEF and will continue throughout the festival, under the supervision of engineer and eco-activist Ziad Abi Chaker. In addition, the festival focuses this year on the themes of trees and solidarity.

A year ago, Akkar was the victim of devastating fires. Today, we are increasingly concerned regarding the situation of our trees in Lebanon, continually threatened by fire, and massive and uncontrolled felling. We are convinced that maintaining forests and tree species can help combat climate change and protect biodiversity. This is why one of our priorities this year is to start awareness-raising activities to save and preserve the trees of Lebanon and Akkar by restoring a healthy relationship between people and forests.

You are accustomed, since the birth of this festival, to have a mascot. What is it this year?

The mascot of REEF 2022 is the hyena. This spotted beast is a solitary Lebanese animal that should be considered an environmental privilege as it helps make the forest “zero waste” by clearing it of carcasses. Unfortunately, she suffers from a mistaken reputation for attacking humans. The slaughter of hyenas increases, threatening their existence more and more. Through REEF, we want to emphasize the benefits of this animal and encourage its protection.

The poster for the 4th edition of the REEF festival. Photo DR

What is the interaction between cinema and the environment?

For the first time in Lebanon, a day dedicated to stories in the service of the climate invites a group of creators and environmental experts to imagine together how cinema might contribute to changing the story around the climate crisis. This group is the Climate Storylab. Independent filmmakers will come together with environmental activists and environmental organizations to collectively reflect on partnerships that might harness the power of cinema to change perceptions, thoughts and policies around environmental and climate issues in Lebanon and the region.

Give us a little insight into the REEF film program.

In addition to the short film competition, there will be a screening of international feature films related to the theme of REEF. Including: Le Chêne by Michel Seydoux and Laurent Charbonnier; Costa Brava Lebanon by Mounia Akl which opens the festival; The Hidden Life of Trees by Jörg Adolph and Jan Haft (feature documentary, Germany); The Stranger by Ameer Fakhreddine (fiction feature film, Syria) and others… During the month of September, the Aflamuna platform will also present a selection of Arab films around the theme of solidarity.

REEF Festival, from September 1 to 4 in Kobeyate. Program and information at:

Initiated by the Council for the Environment and Beirut DC, the “Environmental and film meetings” are in their fourth edition. Baptized this year “REEF zero waste”, they will be held from September 1 to 4 in Kobeyate, in Akkar. The goal is to raise public awareness and initiate debates around ecological themes and…



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