The TRE Method: Release Stress and Tension Through Body Tremor Exercises

2023-08-20 14:30:04

The TRE method (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) is an approach to release stress and tension through body tremor exercises.


Certain streams of psychology study the impact of our thoughts and emotions on our well-being. Stress and trauma can have devastating effects on our body, especially when we fail to manage our emotions. At the physical level this is manifested by psychosomatic symptoms which can trigger, among other things, digestive and sleep disorders, mood disorders, intense muscle contractions (low back pain). At the psychological level, stress causes anxiety, aggression and depression which can result in an excess of alertness, euphoria (hyperactivity), a feeling of distress or oppression.
It disrupts our usual coping mechanisms and we are not all equal when it comes to stress and its management
“recalls Catherine Demangeot, psychotherapist certified in the TRE method. Faced with this reality, tools like the TRE method have been developed to help us manage our stress, main factor of ill-being of our time. Definition and principles.

Definition: what is the TRE method?

Developed in the United States by Dr. David Berceli following his experience in areas of armed conflict, the TRE method (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) is a series of simple exercises which resembles) gentle gymnastics designed to provoke voluntarily body tremors to allow the body to activate and support its self-regulatory abilities in the face of stressful events. “which brings a beautiful demonstration of the intelligence of the human body by allowing him to activate his own resources to recover from extreme experiences. These tremors, or neurogenic tremors, are a natural function of the human body. They are triggered by the autonomic nervous system by response to a stressful or traumatic situation. Dr. Berceli has observed that, in the face of danger, the body tends to tense up, amplifying tension rather than releasing it. In extreme cases, this can lead to post-traumatic stress syndromes” develops Catherine Demangeot. He presumed that the muscle relaxation and the reduction of this tension might have a beneficial effect once morest stress. To activate this relaxation, he has developed a series of exercises that trigger tremors. These tremors are the body’s natural neurophysiological response to stress. “So rather than passively undergoing things, the TRE method was designed to allow the nervous system to activate and evacuate through tremor, all the neurochemical substances (cortisol in particular) and the residual tensions present in the body, so that the brain can leave the “alert” mode which is activated in the event of major stress. The exercises of the TRE method promote a conscious takeover of this trembling process to return to the state of balance and psychological and physical appeasement that we call thehomeostasis“adds the psychotherapist.

► Other approaches are also interested the functioning of the autonomic nervous system which regulates and evaluates this feeling of security essential to our well-being. This is the case of “The polyvagal theory of Dr. Stephen Porges of which the TRE method proves to be a practical application” continues Catherine Demangeot. According to this theory, our body reacts to stress or danger by going through different states, from calm and security (ventral vagal system), preparation for action (sympathetic nervous system), up to the stunned or dissociated (dorsal vagal system) when faced with extreme danger. “After the tremors, the TRE method encourages a period of rest and relaxation that helps the nervous system return to the ventral branch of the vagus nerve, a state of calm and security that makes us feel a deep sense of well-being while continuing to be socially active and successful“says our interlocutor.

What are the indications for the TRE method?

The TRE method is aimed at anyone suffering from stress, anxiety or trauma, recent or old. For people under chronic stress, it can be practiced on a regular basis. During peaks of acute stress a one-off practice may be sufficient, depending on the need. “It is recommended carry out 2 to 3 TRE sessions with a trained professional before practicing it independently because reactions may vary from one person to another. The method is designed to be a self-help tool which, once learned, can be used independently throughout life. Children are also eligible to practice of this method, because they too unfortunately suffer more and more from the effects of stress“says our expert.

What are the benefits of the TRE method?

Regular practice of the TRE method has many benefits. Besides the positive effects on stress and anxietyit allowssoothe the mind and ruminations, release physical tension and it has benefits for anxiety disorders. “People who exercise regularly report feeling calmer and less reactive which has beneficial effects on relationships and conflict management they say they benefit from a better quality of sleep and even an improvement in libido” reports the expert. “Elle works in particular on the psoas, the muscles responsible for our verticality, and on the fascias, thus contributing to better posture and a reduction in chronic muscle pain. She allows to return to functioning of the ventral vagal system instead of the dorsal vagal system. It’s a method of self-regulation physically and emotionally.” indicates the psychotherapist before recalling that “elle does not replace medical treatment or the advice of a health professional.

What are the exercises of the TRE method?

► The TRE method begins with lower muscle warm-up exercises, like the legs and the pelvis.

►Once these muscles are tired, the practitioner lies down on his back and gets into a relaxing position. Then the legs are placed in “butterfly” position, which triggers the tremor process. “We generally recommend regarding twenty minutes of tremor” note the expert.

► After shaking the person with a simple gesture stops the tremors when she wants. come next a quiet time necessary to integrate the experience and benefit from the relaxation of the muscles and the mind.

“For old traumas, the method is practiced 2 to 3 times a week for 2 months. For cases of chronic stress, patients can practice it punctually when they feel the need or integrate it into their habits.“defends Catherine Demangeot. In France, only regarding fifteen practitioners are certified by the organization of Dr David Berceli whose website lists and phone book trained and certified practitioners.

What are the contraindications and precautions?

The TRE method must be suitable for people who have undergone major orthopedic surgery or wear prostheses hip or knee. “It is not recommended for pregnant women, people with epilepsy, those suffering from irregular heart conditions (arrhythmia) or with psychiatric limitations, including people with manic-depressive disorder, schizophrenia or severe depression“ warns the specialist.

Thanks to Catherine Demangeot, psychotherapist and sex therapist specializing in couple therapy, certified in the TRE method and founder of the podcast “Qui m’aime moi follow”.

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