The Transformation of Family Dynamics in Psychiatry: A Journey Through History

2024-09-11 16:39:39

The Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center is celebrating its bicentenary this year. Several events take place on this occasion including a conference entitled “Family(ies) and Psychiatry from the 19th century to the present day” October 15 and 16.

This conference is open to registration from next link (it will not be accessible by videoconference). It is co-organized by the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center (ARHM Foundation) in partnership with the Rhône-Alpes Historical Research Laboratory and the Lumière Lyon 2 University.

In the field of mental health, the human and social sciences are increasingly interested in the question of the links between family and psychiatry. This international and multidisciplinary conference aims to bring together researchers, healthcare professionals, people concerned and caregivers to discuss this theme, which is both old and very current.

While many surveys have attempted to restore the individual experience of “madness” and its forms of care, the family experience of mental illness and the psychiatric institution has long been neglected by researchers. This conference, bringing together speakers from different French-speaking countries and will involve psychiatry professionals. The voice given to “those concerned”, “carers” and families, taken in the broad sense, allows these days to be part of a dynamic of collaborative research. By highlighting the point of view of patients and relatives over time, the aim is to shed light on the family experience of illness and care from different angles.

Mathis Farcy (PhD student in history (Université Lumière Lyon 2, LARHRA), research fellow and assistant curator of the exhibition at the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center). « These two days are intended to bring together researchers, field professionals, people concerned and caregivers on the subject of the links between families and psychiatry from yesterday to today. They are thus part of a collaborative reflection process that will notably help to break down the barriers between the history of psychiatry. ».

Cecilia de Varine (head of the cultural action department and curator of the exhibition at the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center): “ Mental health is a subject of concern in our societies. It affects family intimacy as well as public policies of yesterday, today and tomorrow. »

Members of the organizing committee

– Isabelle von Bueltzingslöwenprofessor of contemporary history (Lumière Lyon 2 University, Rhône-Alpes Historical Research Laboratory -LARHRA).
– Mathis Farcy, PhD student in history (Université Lumière Lyon 2, LARHRA), research officer and assistant curator of the exhibition at the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center.
– Cecilia de Varine, head of the cultural action service and curator of the exhibition at the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center.

Scientific Committee

– Sandrine Denis (psychologist at the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center, president of the Psychiatry Research Group – GREPSY).
– Evelyne Lasserre (lecturer in anthropology at the University of Lyon 1, EVS).
– Mathilde Rossigneux-Méheust (lecturer at Lyon 2 University, LARHRA, IUF).
– Monique Simond (former coordinator of the user center at the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center, former president of the cooperation between the Lyon hospital and the Sanou-Souro University Hospital in Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso)
– Yvan Sonjon (physiotherapist, doctoral student in neuroscience and representative of the research federation of the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center, CRNL, INSERM).
– With the support of the skills development center of the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center, represented by Florence Peillon (training manager at the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center).

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#Conference #Familyies #psychiatry #19th #century #present #day

Here ‍are some PAA-related questions for the title “Celebrating 200 Years‍ of Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital⁢ Center:​ A Conference on Family and ⁤Psychiatry”:

Celebrating 200 Years ⁣of Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center: A Conference on Family and Psychiatry

The Saint ⁣Jean de Dieu ‌Hospital Center is celebrating its bicentenary ⁢this year, a milestone ⁣achievement in the field of mental health. To commemorate‍ this occasion, the ​hospital center is hosting a‍ conference ⁤titled “Family(ies) and Psychiatry from the 19th century to the present day” on October 15 and 16. This ⁤international and multidisciplinary conference aims to bring together researchers, healthcare professionals, ‍people concerned, and caregivers to discuss the‌ intricate relationships between family and psychiatry.

Understanding⁤ the Links ‍between Family and Psychiatry

In the field of mental health, the human and ‍social sciences ‌are increasingly⁢ interested in the question of the links ‌between family and psychiatry. While many surveys have attempted to restore the individual experience of “madness” and its ‍forms of care, the ​family experience of ‌mental illness and the psychiatric institution has long been neglected by researchers.‌ This conference seeks to redress this⁣ imbalance by highlighting the point ​of view of patients and relatives over time, shedding light on the family​ experience of illness and⁢ care from different angles.

Collaborative ‌Reflection and‌ Research

The conference is part of a⁤ collaborative⁤ reflection process that will notably help to break down the ​barriers ⁢between ‍the history⁤ of ‍psychiatry. By bringing together speakers from different French-speaking ‍countries and⁣ involving psychiatry professionals, the voice given to “those concerned”, “carers”, and ‌families, taken in the ‌broad sense, allows these days⁤ to‍ be part of a dynamic of collaborative research.

Organizing Committee and Scientific ⁣Committee

The conference is co-organized by the Saint Jean⁣ de Dieu Hospital Center (ARHM Foundation) in partnership with the Rhône-Alpes Historical Research Laboratory and the ​Lumière Lyon 2 University. The organizing‍ committee consists of Isabelle​ von Bueltzingslöwen, Mathis ‌Farcy, ​and‌ Cecilia de Varine. The scientific committee is composed of Sandrine Denis, Evelyne Lasserre, ‍Mathilde‍ Rossigneux-Méheust, Monique Simond, and Yvan Sonjon.

Registration and Partnerships

The conference‌ is open ‍to registration from the next link. The Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center has partnered with the Rhône-Alpes Historical⁤ Research Laboratory and the⁤ Lumière Lyon 2 University to ensure‍ a‍ comprehensive‌ and interdisciplinary approach to the‍ conference.

Global Perspective ‍on Mental Health

Mental health is a subject of concern in‍ our societies, affecting family intimacy ​as well as ‌public policies⁢ of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The⁢ conference seeks‍ to provide ‍a platform for researchers,⁣ healthcare professionals, and caregivers to discuss the complex⁣ relationships between family and psychiatry, with a⁣ focus⁢ on the experiences of patients and relatives.

International Expertise in Child and ​Adolescent Mental Health

The conference⁣ is ⁢not⁢ an isolated event. There are several international conferences and organizations that focus on child and adolescent ‍mental health, such as the International Association for‌ Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions ([1]), the Association of Family Psychiatrists ([2]), and the European Family Therapy Association ([3]). These organizations demonstrate the growing interest ⁢in ‌the field ‌of ​mental health and the importance of collaborative research and practice.

the conference “Family(ies) and Psychiatry from the 19th century to the present day”⁤ is‌ a significant event in the field of mental health, bringing together researchers, ‍healthcare professionals,⁤ people concerned, and caregivers to discuss the‌ intricate relationships between family and psychiatry. By highlighting the point of view ⁣of patients and ‍relatives over time, the conference aims⁣ to⁣ shed light on⁤ the family experience ⁣of illness and care from different angles, contributing to a ‌better ⁤understanding ‍of mental health and‌ its implications for families and societies.

Here are some possible PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **”Family and Psychiatry: Understanding the Complex Relationship”**:

Family and Psychiatry: Understanding the Complex Relationship

The Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center is celebrating its bicentenary this year, and as part of the celebrations, a conference entitled “Family(ies) and Psychiatry from the 19th century to the present day” will take place on October 15 and 16. This international and multidisciplinary conference aims to bring together researchers, healthcare professionals, people concerned, and caregivers to discuss the complex relationship between family and psychiatry.

The Importance of Family in Mental Health

In the field of mental health, the human and social sciences are increasingly interested in the question of the links between family and psychiatry. While many surveys have attempted to restore the individual experience of “madness” and its forms of care, the family experience of mental illness and the psychiatric institution has long been neglected by researchers. This conference seeks to address this gap by highlighting the point of view of patients and relatives over time, shedding light on the family experience of illness and care from different angles.

Conference Objectives

The conference aims to bring together researchers, field professionals, people concerned, and caregivers to discuss the theme of family and psychiatry from yesterday to today. By highlighting the point of view of patients and relatives over time, the conference seeks to break down the barriers between the history of psychiatry and to shed light on the family experience of illness and care from different angles.

Organizing Committee

The conference is co-organized by the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital Center (ARHM Foundation) in partnership with the Rhône-Alpes Historical Research Laboratory and the Lumière Lyon 2 University. The organizing committee consists of Isabelle von Bueltzingslöwen, Mathis Farcy, and Cecilia de Varine.

Scientific Committee

The scientific committee consists of Sandrine Denis, Evelyne Lasserre, Mathilde Rossigneux-Méheust, Monique Simond, Yvan Sonjon, and Florence Peillon. The committee has brought together experts from various fields to ensure a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to the theme.


Registration for the conference is now open, and interested participants can register through the provided link. The conference will not be accessible by videoconference.


The conference “Family(ies) and Psychiatry from the 19th century to the present day” is a significant event that seeks to bring together experts and stakeholders to discuss the complex relationship between family and psychiatry. By highlighting the importance of family in mental health and shedding light on the family experience of illness and care, the conference aims to contribute to a better understanding of this critical aspect of mental health care.


For individuals and families seeking mental health services, it is essential to find experienced professionals who can provide comprehensive care. Online directories such as Psychology Today [1] and Family Psychiatry & Therapy [2] can help individuals find qualified professionals in their area. Additionally, organizations such as The Woodlands Family Psychiatry [3] offer a range of mental health services for individuals and families.

By exploring the complex relationship between family and psychiatry, we can work towards a better understanding of mental health care and provide



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