The trajectory deviation increased by 13 times!

2024-07-22 04:24:44

Screen time while driving: A dangerous distraction

The Safeguard Prevention Institute, in partnership with the Calyxis Center for Risk Expertise, has conducted a first-of-its-kind study to assess the impact of distractions while driving. The study covered more than 8,000 km of simulated driving and involved 27 ordinary drivers. Participants completed three trips, each of more than 100 km, with and without distractors. Distractors included visual, auditory, physical, and cognitive factors. An eye-tracking system tracked the driver’s gaze movements.

The study found 76% of drivers use distractions while driving, such as hands-free phones or in-car touchscreens. These behaviors significantly increase your risk of an accident:

  • Making a phone call while driving requires 35 seconds of cumulative attention, increasing lane deviation.
  • Using a jammer increases the time required to deviate from the track by 13 times.
  • Emergency response time increased by 60 percent, from 1.25 seconds without the jammer to 2 seconds with the jammer.

Risks to drivers

There are several key risks associated with using phones and screens while driving:

Distracted drivers often forget to check their mirrors and dashboard, limiting their alertness in switching back and forth between the screen and the road. According to an insurance prevention study conducted with the Calyxis Risk Expertise Center, if distractions (phones, center screens, etc.) are used, Mirror control is “100%” removed. It can be said that drivers simply ignore it.

Drivers are constantly making fine adjustments to their trajectories. With the use of distractions, each gap becomes more noticeable. This might result in dangerous lane changes. Not to mention that in emergency situations, distractions can increase reaction time and make it more difficult for drivers to avoid accidents.

Some tips for safer roads

To minimise the risks of using phones and screens while driving, here are some helpful tips:

Put your phone on airplane mode or give it to a passenger. Start your playlist or GPS route before your journey. On long journeys, plan regular breaks to get fresh air and check your phone safely. Only use in-car devices authorised by the Highway Code and avoid operating touchscreens or phones for extended periods of time.

“Driving requires dividing attentional resources between multiple tasks. Using distractions simultaneously, such as reading a text message or making a phone call, requires the brain to develop a strategy to address an event it did not anticipate because it is external to the driving activity. Attention is then diverted, which inevitably leads to longer reaction times and accidents. We are talking regarding a breakdown in cognitive fluency””, concludes Adrien Ballet, the cognitive ergonomist who oversaw the study at Calyxis, as quoted by Assurance Prévention in its press release. News.

What are the penalties for using a mobile phone while driving in France?

In France, the penalties for using a mobile phone while driving are severe. According to the Road Safety website, having a mobile phone in your hand will result in a fixed fine of €135 and three points on your licence being suspended. The same penalty applies to phones stuck under helmets. Using a phone while riding a bicycle is also prohibited and carries the same penalty.

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