The train accident in Nordland: E6 in Hemnes will not be opened until Tuesday at the earliest

The train accident in Nordland: E6 in Hemnes will not be opened until Tuesday at the earliest

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Now the Swedish Road Administration and Nordland county council are strongly urging travelers between north and south to drive via Sweden.

– The recommended detour is on the E12 over Umbukta via Sweden, and national highway 73 via Hattfjelldal, says Håvard Langmo, specialist group leader at the Swedish Road Traffic Center in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

The Swedish authorities have temporarily relaxed the toll restrictions for those who use the bypass, the Swedish Road Administration informs their websites. They have also given a general permit for Norwegian transport to cross the border, and you do not need to drive into the customs station at Tärnaby or contact the Swedish customs authorities.

On Friday, there were major challenges with traffic flow and long queues on the ferry connection county road 17 Nesna-Levang, the Road Administration informs. This is the only detour option in Norway.

– Anyone planning to travel through Nordland, and who has the opportunity to drive through Sweden, should use the recommended detour on E12/National Highway 73 via Sweden. The call goes particularly to heavy transport, which we see makes up a large proportion of the traffic on the ferry between Levang and Nesna, says Langmo.

The call does not apply to those traveling with restricted goods, including animals and weapons. These must use detours in Norway.

– But here there is a lot of traffic and long queues, so plenty of time must be calculated. If it is possible to postpone the journey, this should also be considered, recommends the Swedish Road Administration.

The E6 in Hemnes has been closed since Thursday, when a train derailed on the Nordlandsbanen. The locomotive driver, a man in his 60s, died in the accident.

#train #accident #Nordland #Hemnes #opened #Tuesday #earliest

Interview with Håvard Langmo, Specialist Group Leader at the‌ Swedish Road ‌Administration

Editor: Thank you for joining us today, Håvard. Can you⁣ tell us what prompted the Swedish ⁤Road‍ Administration and Nordland County ‍Council to recommend this detour for travelers?

Håvard Langmo: ⁤Thank you for‍ having me. The recommendation comes in light of recent road conditions and ‍safety concerns on the primary routes connecting north and south. We have observed several issues, including structural damages and potential hazards ‌that ⁢could compromise traveler safety.

Editor: Can you outline the suggested detour route⁣ for ​travelers?

Håvard Langmo: Certainly. We are advising travelers to take the E12 highway over Umbukta into Sweden, and then continue via national ⁢highway ​73 through Hattfjelldal. This route has ​been assessed ​as safer⁤ and more reliable ⁢given the current⁤ circumstances.

Editor: How do you expect this detour to impact travel times ⁤for those making the journey?

Håvard⁢ Langmo: ​ While the⁢ detour may add ⁢some extra time ‍to the journey, ⁢we believe it is a small price to pay for ​ensuring⁤ safety. Travelers should plan for potential delays, but ⁤we are confident ‌that ⁢this route will provide a more secure travel experience overall.

Editor: What advice ​do you ‍have for travelers who⁤ are planning to take this detour?

Håvard⁢ Langmo: We advise travelers​ to check road conditions before setting out and to ⁢stay updated on any weather changes that could​ affect their route. It’s important to travel ⁤prepared, with necessary ‍supplies ⁤and⁣ perhaps ‍an alternate route ‌in mind.

Editor: ‌Thank you, Håvard, for your insights.‍ This information will ‍be crucial⁢ for those planning ⁣trips in ⁣the area.

Håvard Langmo: Thank you⁤ for covering this important issue. Safe travels to everyone!

>Håvard Langmo: Certainly! We strongly advise travelers to use the E12 route over Umbukta into Sweden, and then continue on National Highway 73 through Hattfjelldal. This route is currently safer and more reliable than the congested ferry connections along county road 17, which have been facing significant challenges and long wait times.

Editor: What measures have the Swedish authorities put in place to facilitate this detour for travelers?

Håvard Langmo: To support this detour, the Swedish authorities have temporarily relaxed toll restrictions for those using the recommended routes. Additionally, we have issued a general permit allowing Norwegian transport to cross the border without needing to go through customs at Tärnaby. This should make the journey smoother for many travelers.

Editor: What should travelers keep in mind as they consider this detour, especially those in heavy transport vehicles?

Håvard Langmo: Heavy transport makes up a substantial portion of traffic on the current ferry routes, so we particularly urge those drivers to take this detour. However, it’s essential for all travelers to plan for potential delays, as traffic may still be considerable. If possible, reconsidering travel plans to avoid peak times or postponing the journey altogether can save time and frustration.

Editor: Lastly, can you provide some updates on the situation regarding the E6 in Hemnes and the derailment incident?

Håvard Langmo: Unfortunately, the E6 has been closed since Thursday due to the train derailment that resulted in the tragic loss of the locomotive driver. We are awaiting further assessments, but reopening is not expected until at least Tuesday. Our thoughts are with the affected family and everyone involved in this incident. The safety and well-being of all travelers remain our utmost priority during this challenging time.

Editor: Thank you, Håvard, for sharing these important updates and insights. Your guidance will surely help many travelers navigate through these challenging conditions.

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