The tough duel for the chancellery on TV

The last TV duel before the National Council elections last night on ORF was probably – at least according to the polls – the chancellor’s duel. Chancellor Karl Nehammer (VP) met his biggest challenger, FP leader Herbert Kickl.

At the beginning, moderator Susanne Schnabl asked Kickl about his relationship with Nehammer – Nehammer’s rejection of the FP chairman is well known. Kickl said that the relationship had once been good. Nehammer’s accusation that he had become radicalized was not true, Kickl was merely criticizing the Corona policy of the “weakest government in the second republic”. Nehammer replied that he had had to make “responsible decisions” – and “mistakes had also been made,” the Chancellor admitted.

Nehammer criticized Kickl’s attitude toward the World Health Organization, including his accusations of world domination directed at the World Economic Forum. Kickl countered that these organizations were “at least showing globalist approaches.”

One of the few points of agreement was the rejection of a pan-European solution for soil protection – “we agree on that,” said Kickl. The Freedom Party, however, would be in favor of a soil protection law. According to Kickl, energy self-sufficiency is a question of “one or two generations,” not fewer years. Fossil fuels are running out anyway. There was also agreement in the rejection of Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens).

“Kickl is scaremongering”

Regarding the similarities in the economic programs, Nehammer pointed out that the ÖVP’s was already presented in January, while the Blue Party’s was presented later.

According to Kickl, the “Sky Shield” air defense system means “joining NATO through the back door.” Nehammer repeated that Kickl was using fear-mongering as part of his strategy “as always.” Nehammer repeatedly referred to his activities as chancellor, but unlike in previous confrontations, Kickl did not use verbal blunders.



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