The topic is how to customize the iPhone’s “vibration when receiving a call” to your liking! – OTONA LIFE

We often hear that the iPhone is less customizable than Android. In fact, using both iPhone and Android, I sometimes find that I can do things on Android that I can’t do on the iPhone. However, when it comes to the customizable features of the iPhone, there are actually quite a few that users are simply unaware of.

Today, I would like to introduce you to an Instagrammer who posts useful iPhone tricks that anyone can easily imitate.Kana / iPhone customizer @icon_pegoFeatured“How to customize iPhone vibration to your liking”I would like to introduce to you all about

Kana / iPhone customizer posted a video explaining how to set the original vibration on Instagram the other day. This post has more than 300 “likes” and has become a hot topic on Instagram.

Now let’s get into the details of this post.

You can change the vibration of your iPhone!

In the first place, many people probably didn’t even know that there are several types of vibration patterns that come standard with the iPhone. In addition to the default vibration, there are a total of 8 types of vibrations, including vibrations with titles such as “SOS” and “Warning” that deserve attention, and vibrations with maniac naming such as “heartbeat”.

What we are introducing this time is the function of customizing new and original vibrations, not these vibrations from the beginning.

First of all, if you usually turn off the vibration function before creating an original vibration, select “Touch” from “Accessibility” in the “Settings” app, and there is an item called “Vibration”. Let’s turn it on.
Select “Ringtone” from “Sounds & Haptics” in the “Settings” app and tap “Vibration”.

(Image provided by “Kana / iPhone customizer (@icon_pego)”)

(Image provided by “Kana / iPhone customizer (@icon_pego)”)

(Image provided by “Kana / iPhone customizer (@icon_pego)”)

Then, the several types of vibration patterns introduced earlier are displayed, so select “Create new vibration” below.

(Image provided by “Kana / iPhone customizer (@icon_pego)”)

You can easily create your favorite vibration by touching your finger on the screen at your favorite interval.

(Image provided by “Kana / iPhone customizer (@icon_pego)”)

Once you’ve created something you like, hit “Save” in the top right corner, give it a name, and you’re done.

(Image provided by “Kana / iPhone customizer (@icon_pego)”)

(Image provided by “Kana / iPhone customizer (@icon_pego)”)

(Image provided by “Kana / iPhone customizer (@icon_pego)”)

It’s surprisingly fun to try!

The original vibration introduced this time can be remade as many times as you like, and if you like it, you can save it each time.

I don’t think there are many people who are particular about customizing the iPhone’s vibration pattern, but it was surprisingly fun to actually create my own original vibration.

It’s fun to put in the 337 time signature, and it’s also ant to reproduce the rhythm when you write your name in letters by tapping. In writing this article, I also created an original vibration for the first time, but I unexpectedly spent some time playing with this function.

Once you have recorded the vibration, you can check the finished product immediately by pressing the “play” button on the bottom left.

Can be set for each contact!

When did the function to create original vibrations on the iPhone exist? Even the author, an Apple believer who has been using the iPhone since the first generation, has no idea when the feature was added. After a little research, it seems that the original vibration was already customizable in 2012, so it may be a function that has been present since the early days.

The advantage of customizing the vibration is that you can set the vibration separately for each address, so you can instantly see who contacted you even if it is in your pocket. Vibration can be set for a variety of notifications, so it may be convenient to set different vibrations for different purposes, such as emails, ringtones, and AirDrop.

Vibration customization is a surprisingly little-known feature of the iPhone. Why don’t you set your favorite vibration and send an iPhone life full of originality?

* Thumbnail image (Image: Provided by “Kana / iPhone customizer (@icon_pego)”)

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