The top 20 professions where seniors are no longer employed long before retirement

2023-04-20 05:32:08

The question of the employment of seniors finds itself in the spotlight with the pension reform. In an analysis note published this Wednesday, April 19, France Strategy looked into the subject, and in particular the case of employees who leave their job several years before the legal retirement age. According to the study, each year on average between 2004 and 2019, nearly 30% of retirements at the end of their careers were not due to an immediate transition from employment to retirement.

These “early exits from employment” (apart from retirement and early retirement, therefore), as the institution attached to Matignon call them, have three main causes: health reasons (job seekers declaring that they have left their job for a long illness or invalidity from the age of 51 and people in employment but on long-term sick leave from the age of 56), unemployment (as defined by the International Labor Office, for people aged 59 or over) and any other type of inactivity (seniors aged 56 or over who have given up looking for a job or who are not available, for example because they are caring for a dependent relative).


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In detail, between 2004 and 2019, retirements and the use of early retirement schemes represented 71% of seniors’ career endings. Health reasons explain 10% of departures, unemployment 4% and other types of inactivity 15%.

Different situations depending on the trades

But “the extent of early exits from employment appears in fact to be very heterogeneous: they represent more than four departures at the end of their careers out of ten in certain professions, once morest one out of ten at the other end of the spectrum”, reports France Strategy. . To illustrate its point, the institution has selected the 20 professions where between four and nearly six out of ten departures at the end of their career do not come under a liquidation of retirement. This mainly concerns occupations in the accommodation and catering, construction, services to individuals and communities, and handling sectors. It should be noted that it is the employees with the status of workers and employees who are the most affected.

“These early departures from employment occur at different ages depending on the profession: it is 57 years on average for low-skilled workers in the process industries and for cashiers and self-service employees, and nearly 60 years for childminders, owners and managers of hotels, cafes and restaurants”, notes France Stratégie.


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And a noteworthy fact: 11* of the 20 professions with a high rate of early exits from employment are among the professions with the highest rate of negative responses to the question “Do you feel capable of doing the same job as currently until retirement”, asked by Dares, the statistics service of the Ministry of Labour, as part of its survey on working conditions. “A relationship therefore does exist” between departures several years before retirement age and working conditions, concludes France Strategy. And with the postponement of the legal retirement age provided for by the reform, these profiles will be penalized all the more, by suffering their inactivity longer.

* The 11 trades concerned are: low-skilled handling workers; unskilled mechanical or metallurgical workers; unskilled construction workers; hotel and restaurant employees and supervisors; cashiers and self-service employees; skilled electrical and electronics workers; skilled construction workers; home help; cooks; cultural and sports action professionals and supervisors; unskilled workers in the process industries.

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