The TMB Bank app, Thanachart, has disappeared! – Executives apologize to customers – Take measures to help

The TMB Bank app, Thanachart, has disappeared! – Executives apologize to customers – Take measures to help

According to the case of the ttb touch app of TMB Bank Thanachart or TMB Thanachart There was a problem, unable to provide service between 1 and 2 September. The bank would like to inform you that the ttb touch app has now returned to service.

TMB Bank Thanachart or TMB Thanachart would like to clarify that for the incident The bank is aware of the suffering and the impact it has on customers and is not complacent. Therefore, the Bank has issued measures to help affected customers as follows:

1. Customers who do not have a bank debit card Can contact to request a card issuance. will be exempt from fees for newly issued cards Until the end of September 2022

2. Customers who already hold bank debit cards will be reimbursed pro-rata annual fee For the time affected by the ttb touch app crash event.

3. Customers who conduct cross-bank retail money transfer (ORFT) transactions at TMB Thanachart branches nationwide. will be exempted from the fee Until the end of September 2022

4. Customers affected by system crashes causing delay in payment of loan installments

For TMB Thanachart loan customers, fees and interest will be waived during the system disruption.

For credit customers of other financial institutions You can notify via ttb contact us, click to receive assistance and coordinate with other financial institutions in regards to debt collection fees

In addition to customer care measures The Bank has also planned to improve the ttb touch app for stability and long-term performance. or takes a long time to log in or make a transaction due to the large cumulative transaction volume The bank recommends that customers stay away and re-enter the service later.

Finally, the management team and all TMB Thanachart employees I feel very sorry and apologize for the incident. We ask all customers to be confident that we will take the best care of our customers. The bank welcomes all comments in order to improve and develop the app to be more effective. If customers need help or report problems in use Can notify via ttb contact us, click Our team will contact you back and assist you as soon as possible.

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