The time of granting Justice in Greece is a “thorn”. 2024-07-29 09:44:53

The data on the administration of Justice in Greece show an improvement in some areas and a need for changes in many more, while in several tables it appears that either there are no available data from our country or that the calculation methodology has changed.


Greece continues to rank among the lowest in case processing times, with the problem being most acute in civil and commercial cases, with our country being the slowest in the European Union. The point is, on the other hand, that the situation shows an overall improvement. The figures put Greece in first place for delays, with the average time to resolve a dispute reaching 1,771 days, while the European average is just 455 days.

For example, the EU report Euroscoreboard, which contains data up to 2022, reports that in 2012 the awarding time in civil justice in the first instance was 449 days, in 2021 it rose to 728 and in 2022 to 746, at the same time that the European average was respectively 167, 146 and 158 days. Greece is at the bottom of the dispute resolution times at all levels of the Judiciary, without having provided data for the Court of Appeal, only for the Court of First Instance and the Supreme Court, with Cyprus and Italy closing the list.

Relatively improved is the situation in the processing times of cases before the administrative courts as far as the Court of First Instance and the Court of Appeal are concerned, which from the data of 2012 it seems that the first instance required approximately 1,500 days for the issuance of a decision! However, despite the improvements, as reported by the president of the DSA and the Plenary of the Bar Associations, Dimitris Vervesos, “the award time in the administrative trial in the year 2022 for the first degree was 464 days, for the second degree 661 days and for the SC to the unprecedented number of 1,239 days, at a time when the European average was respectively 166, 152 and 265 days and this despite the arrangements and possibilities provided by Law 3900/2010 and the “filters” that have been put in place”.


Greece is at a low level in terms of e-Justice, with our country being in the penultimate and last place of the relevant tables, regarding the technological means used both for the examination of witnesses or victims and the technological means that can be used by the judges themselves, such as working safely remotely.

The data also shows a high number of judges per inhabitant, with Greece having about 35 judges per 100,000 inhabitants, when in 2012 the ratio was about 22 judges per 100,000. The ratio also remains high in terms of lawyers per inhabitant, which stands at 430 lawyers per 100,000 inhabitants, with our country ranking third in the European Union.


Also of interest are the figures quoted a few weeks ago by the president of the DSA, Dimitris Vervesos, speaking at the conference of the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce regarding the number of cases tried per judge. As he noted, according to data from the Ministry of Justice for the third quarter of 2022, it appears that justices of the peace adjudicate 13.5 cases/month, first instance judges 14 cases/month, appeals 3.2 cases/month, areopagites 2.6 cases/month month, the administrative courts of first instance 8.6 cases/month, the administrative appeals 3.75 cases/month and the Council of State 0.7 cases/month.


In the first places in “friendliness” index

On the positive side of the report, Greece is in the first positions in terms of the Justice “friendliness” index towards juvenile offenders, since it has adopted all the measures proposed by the EU. For example, juvenile offenders are kept separately from adults, while in the case of a complaint of abuse by a family member, special protection measures are taken – according to the report and the data provided by Greece.

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#time #granting #Justice #Greece #thorn



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