The Thrilling Journey: NBA Rookie’s Media Whirlwind Experience in San Antonio

2023-06-24 19:26:12

. The media whirlwind

“I had a lot of thrills, but also lots and lots to do. Right after the draft, I had two hours of media time, and then I celebrated with my family. emotion so had time to come down, but the last 72 hours have been very tiring. Afterwards, I really enjoy the present moment. Everyone is doing a perfect job around me, everyone is doing their best, so I feel feeling great. And everywhere I went I was greeted warmly. (At the airport on Friday) I didn’t expect so many people when I arrived. It was a great fun time. And it’s that’s what it’s all about. It makes me happy.”

. His dinner with Duncan, Robinson and Ginobili

“Friday was one of the most rewarding nights of my life, I learned a lot of things in two hours. It’s super reassuring to know that these guys still live in San Antonio, they still gravitate around the club, they have maintained a relationship with the franchise. For me, it is a comfort to know that there are legends, not only of the club but of the NBA, who are there to help me and who will not let me commit same mistakes twice. For a rookie that’s a huge advantage. Tim Duncan, when he arrived, told me he just had to look at David Robinson and Sean Elliot and follow their path. And he knew he was in good hands.”

. Walk in the footsteps of Parker and Diaw

“It’s an asset, because I have good relations with these French people who have marked the history of Spurs. I can go to see them if necessary. Frankly, there is no additional weight to bear. “

. Adapting to the NBA

“A very important factor in my opinion is how seriously the players are taken here. They are taken care of so well… everything is done for their progression, their development. My game will have to improve. adapt a little, yes, but the one practiced in the NBA is what suits me the most.”

. His personal goals

“I want to make an impression, through performance and the smooth running of things. I’m waiting to play my first matches, to spend more time in the NBA, before setting myself clear objectives, it’s a job that takes place. will do day by day.”

. San Antonio for life?

The first hours here made me want to live here for a long time. However, loyalty is something that is very important to me. So, I don’t know what the future will hold, but my idea is to play here for a long time. I feel like I belong here. Since I arrived, I have only seen grateful people and suddenly it is easy to acclimatize when you are already appreciated.

. His upcoming program

“I have a lot to do, but it’s ok. Everything will fit into the schedule. I have houses to visit to settle comfortably in the city. I have to go to Nike in Portland. I have two or three things to deal with like that… Lately, I’ve had so much to do off the pitch, with the media for example, that I have to focus again on training, on bodybuilding. that’s not what I’ve been doing the most in the last few days, and it feels really weird.”

Statements taken at a press conference

#feel #place #San #Antonio #assures #Wembanyama

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