The “thank you” from the USA for participating in the SYRIZA primaries – 2024-04-18 13:35:34

The “thank you” from the USA for participating in the SYRIZA primaries
 – 2024-04-18 13:35:34

With a photo from the parade on New York’s 5th Avenue, organized by the diaspora for the anniversary of March 25 and where he himself attended, Stefanos Kasselakis publicly says “thank you” for participating in the SYRIZA primaries.

With his post on Instagram, Stefanos Kasselakis referred to the thousands of expatriate Greeks, who “make us proud, holding the Greek flag high, far from their country” and to all the members and friends of SYRIZA who voted in the primaries for the party’s European ballot.

“I admit that I did not expect such a massive turnout, but I wished for it,” he wrote, adding: “Thank you for being here so that we can change tomorrow together.”

In more detail, in his post, Mr. Kassellakis states:

“In New York, at the great parade for the anniversary of March 25, which every year is a top event for the Community.

Along with thousands of other expatriate Greeks.

Those who make us proud, holding the Greek flag high, away from their country.

Those for whom we will work, so that they and their children can return to our homeland not as “imported”, but as equal Greeks.

From New York, I would like to send a big thank you to the more than 63,000 members and friends of SYRIZA who participated yesterday in an unprecedented process for the Greek political system, shaping our party’s European ballot with their votes.

I confess that I did not expect such a massive turnout, but I wished for it.

Thank you for being here to change tomorrow together.

Because we deserve a better life.”

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