The Termination of Case des Artistes: Faulty Management and Lack of Control by New Caledonia

2023-12-30 21:25:31

The Territorial Chamber of Accounts looked into the management of the Artists’ Case. Placed in liquidation in 2022, the association aimed to support the artistic world. Its disappearance on December 31, 2022 is due, according to the CTC, to faulty management and a lack of control by New Caledonia.

Stéphanie Chenais (edited by JM) • Published on December 31, 2023 at 8:25 a.m., updated on December 31, 2023 at 8:29 a.m.

How did the Case des artistes and its innovative salary portage model, imagined in 2012, founder until it was placed in receivership at the end of 2022? This is the question that the experts from the Territorial Chamber of Accounts (CTC) tried to answer. They submitted their report on Friday.

In 2014, a country law allowed artists to benefit from different benefits, in the event of illness, work accident, retirement, maternity leave or unemployment. But the CTC notes that no government decree specified at the time which public was really the beneficiary of this system.

In 2015, the structure received a one-year provisional approval to carry out this salary portage. An approval never renewed by the association, which nevertheless continued its activity.

The Chamber’s report points to a low level of control of the criteria allowing one to benefit from this salary portage and mentions “arbitrations over time”.

On the financing side, the Case des artistes operated thanks to a grant from New Caledonia. Evaluations, reports, documents submitted by the association, the culture department would not have sufficiently exercised its control mission.

Consequence: the situation of the association deteriorates rapidly. The economic model is even presented as unviable. As of 2021, accounts are no longer kept. However, the association is once once more maintaining its activity, while its debts are accumulating.

La Case des artistes finally had to lay off its employees, before being placed in receivership, then into liquidation, at the end of 2022.

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