The Tension between Javier Milei and the Governors: Reflections in Congress

2024-03-02 03:01:00

The tension between Javier Milei and the governors will be reflected in Congress, it is expected that this will happen both in the President’s speech and in the reactions of the provincial leaders who attend the national Congress and also those who are absent. While waiting for what Milei will say, the message from the provinces was already heard at the opening of ordinary sessions of the local Legislatures with the demand for co-shareable funds as the central axis.

With a conciliatory message from the head of the Buenos Aires Government, Jorge Macri; the opening postponed by the Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof and those of Córdoba, which occurred in February with criticism of Milei; and in Santa Fe; which by tradition are held in May; The focus of attention was on the words of the Chubut president, Ignacio Torres, who, since last week, has been the protagonist of hard crosses along with all the Patagonian governors.

The message from the Patagonian governors

“Justice ruled us right, not only us but also federalism as a concept,” declared Torres when inaugurating the 52nd period of ordinary sessions in the unicameral Legislature of Chubut. The direct reference was to the ruling of Rawson’s federal judge, Hugo Sastre, who ordered the “cessation” of the withholding of reimbursements to the province corresponding to the Provincial Development Trust Fund. Ruling that the national government promised to appeal.

“They even said that no one lives in our province and it is full of guanacos,” Torres continued in his speech, showing the crack that the fight with President Milei opened in the PRO. It was the outgoing president of the PRO and Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, who mentioned Chubut as “a desert” in television statements – with mining interests in the background -.

The governor also had words for the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, who yesterday mocked the popular festivals of the province to argue that they are a misuse of public funds. “They questioned the popular festivals. All to justify the unjustifiable and not wanting to recognize that the national government was wrong, because it did not calculate that Chubut knows how to defend itself and that is what it did,” said Torres.

“We are going to do teaching, because many have no idea what is happening beyond General Paz, they confuse our guanacos with llamas from the north,” the young leader of the PRO dedicated to them and promised to “demonstrate where the resources that the Nation has been squandering come from.” “. In that sense, he criticized his predecessor, the Peronist Mariano Arcioni, for leaving “a financial bomb” in the province and considered that Milei “took advantage of the circumstance to put us in check.”

From Neuquén, Governor Rolando Figueroa confirmed that he would not attend tonight to listen to Milei’s speech in Congress and sent a message to call for dialogue: “We have been calling on the leadership of all levels of Government and representatives of all sectors, to reach an agreement, without conditions and prioritizing only solving the problems.”

Figueroa reminded the national government that “the debt in resources for works that the national government has with all the people of Neuquén exceeds 9.3 billion pesos,” but he also put on the agenda the view of a certain shrinking of the State by highlighting the reduction of the staff of public employees so far in their management. The contrast was marked with the promise of expanding the health system and provincial routes, crossed by the exploitation of the Vaca Muerta deposit.

From Tierra del Fuego, Governor Gustavo Melella inaugurated the 41st period of ordinary sessions with a speech in which he criticized the cut in co-participating funds to the provinces and defined the economic program implemented by the national government as “inconsistent and inequitable.”

“They want to convince us that by dropping salaries, pensions and other basic social rights, stopping public works and leading the provinces to recession, macroeconomic balances will be achieved,” said the Fuegian president.

In that tone, the Fuegian pointed out that Milei’s economic policy and the fall in consumption at the national level directly affected the production of the province’s industry, because “purchases in the electronics category fell by 42%, and this fall influences directly in the loss of jobs.”

“Argentina is once once more experiencing a political, economic and social model that prioritizes sectoral interests, with adjustments at the expense of workers and ignoring the provinces,” Melella denounced.

The message from the governors of the dialogue opposition

The messages that came from the provincial Legislatures governed by the leaders of the defunct Together for Change alliance were also with warnings for Milei. In Entre Ríos, the governor, Rogelio Frigerio, described that “people are in anguish, hopelessness and uncertainty as has rarely been seen in the history of Argentina” and asked that the president speak tonight regarding “how we are going to solve the problems.” from the people”.

“Let us all work together and look forward,” Frigerio demanded following being the protagonist of the negotiations that made it possible for LLA to obtain the votes to advance the Omnibus Law until its general approval. “People want to see us working together to solve problems and I hope the speech goes along those lines,” he insisted and demanded that the national government “send the funds to finish works that are very advanced.”

In neighboring Corrientes, the radical Gustavo Valdés supported the national request for “fiscal responsibility”, but maintained that there is a country with “high poverty rates, we will not allow the State to abandon its social role.”

The Corrientes president left his specific claims for the Government by indicating that he recalled that “we recently suffered another cut, that of the public transportation subsidy, which for Corrientes represents 2,400 million pesos” and anticipated that “like Mendoza, we will sue “Nation before the Supreme Court for the cuts in co-participation due to Income Tax”.

“It is reasonable for the Government to demand that the provinces pay their debts, just as it is fair that Corrientes be paid what corresponds to it by law,” he warned the Casa Rosada.

For his part, Carlos Sadir from Jujuy anticipated that “we do not know how far this crisis goes” and announced that the province “is not going to stop asking the Nation for the resources that correspond to us and that belong to us Jujuy residents, call it income taxes, teacher incentive funds, transportation subsidies, which contribute to predictability and the possibility of projecting knowing what resources we have.”

“We are going to go through this national process with the strength, intelligence and necessary actions. Our history reminds us of struggles such as the Jujeño Exodus and the role in the battles for our Argentine independence. We understand that there is much to modify, but from consensus , dialogue and respect”.

From Chaco, at the opening of the 56th period of ordinary sessions, the radical Leandro Zdero combined criticism of his predecessor Jorge Capitanich in his speech and denounced that in the province “disorder, apathy and structural corruption reigned in the State” and announced the first education, security and production measures applied by his government.

In his speech he also spoke regarding the relationship with Milei’s management and, although he will not travel to Congress, he mentioned the collaboration of the national government for refinancing given that the province “did not have funds to pay for the bond services.” that placed the government “in default.”

Between Peronists and dialogueists

In Salta, Governor Gustavo Sáenz considered that the Nation’s fiscal problems must be resolved “with measures whose costs are borne equitably” and said that Salta is the second province “most affected by national transfer cuts.” In that sense, Sáenz took a measure that shows the privatization path of national policy by tariffing health care for foreigners.

Sáenz located the impact of the cuts in national transfers in “a loss of income from co-participation of more than 12%, which has a significant impact on the expenses that the province and the municipalities must face.” In that sense, the governor anticipated that he will go to all institutional areas, including the Judiciary, in defense of the interests of the people of Salta.

Despite opposition to measures that “harm federal interests,” Sáenz renewed “the will to support the government elected by the people and in favor of granting it the tools to advance its government plan.”

The governor of Tucumán, Osvaldo Jaldo, — who left the Unión por la Patria bloc in the lower house to negotiate some points of the failed Omnibus Law — opened the ordinary provincial sessions calling to accompany the spirit of “fiscal adjustment.” In that sense, he highlighted the review of the 2024 Budget debated in the provincial Legislature “with the premise that you cannot spend more than you earn.”

The governor of Formosa, Gildo Insfrán, warned that “those who promised to solve the country’s problems today are only making them worse,” when inaugurating the 51st period of ordinary sessions of the northern Legislature, with a speech in which he asked for “respect for the will sovereign” of that province.

Insfrán was respectful of “the results of the national elections”, but recalled that the province elected the Formosa model at the polls with 70% of the votes. “In the campaign they said that the caste was going to pay for the adjustment, but then they took over the Government and allied themselves with the caste to brutally adjust on the people,” the Formosa president highlighted regarding President Milei’s unfulfilled promises.

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