The teenager who made medical history to save her mother’s life

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Image source, Aliana Deveza


Aliana Deveza promoted an organ exchange that saved her mother’s life.

When she was only 19 years old, Aliana Deveza organized and underwent a historic operation to save her mother’s life.

He persuaded a hospital to do the first organ exchange in the United States, an intervention in which different organs were exchanged between pairs of unrelated donors.

“The first thing I asked when I woke up was how was my mom okay? Did she make it? I wasn’t really worried about myself anymore, I was just concentrating on getting over the pain I was feeling. Only after hearing that everyone had succeeded, I could breathe again, “he says.

When Aliana talks about “everyone else”, she is not only talking about herself and her mother, because two other women – some sisters – had also been operated on.

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