The leader of the Afghan Taliban, Hibatulá Ajunzadá, has ordered this Friday his subordinates to refrain as far as possible from the exercise of polygamy, except in specific cases, for assuming “a waste”.
The decree, collected by the Tolo television network, asks those responsible for the Taliban to, as a general rule, “avoid second, third and fourth marriages” as they are “unnecessary and wasteful.”
The head of the Taliban thus consolidates a policy announced in January of last year, six months before the conquest of the country, to avoid “criticism” from the movement’s enemies.
In addition, the mullah also understood that the “high cost” of maintaining several marriages ended up leading to polygamists being more likely to end up committing crimes of corruption or illicit enrichment.
The decree issued at that time anticipated certain exceptions for men without children, or marrying a widow, or with sufficient means to afford several marriages.
However, in all these cases, the applicants must receive the permission of their direct superior, according to the local decree that the BBC chain collected at the time.