The takeaway lunch box cut corners and the curry chicken rice is not seen. The diners are angry and refuse to help

The takeaway lunch box cut corners and the curry chicken rice is not seen. The diners are angry and refuse to help

The pace of life in Hong Kong is fast, and many wage earners will hurry up and buy lunch boxes to go back to the company for lunch. Some office workers shared their unfortunate experience on social platforms. They pointed out that a box of curry chicken rice worth 48 Hong Kong dollars was taken out a few days ago. After opening it unexpectedly, they found that the tea restaurant had cut corners. The whole box of rice only had 3 chicken wing tips. , but found that the restaurant had erased the writing on the original menu that said “Curry Chicken Rice”, so the owner might not be held accountable.

The victim shared on the Facebook group “Shau Kei Wan People Shau Kei Wan Things” on Wednesday (14th), saying that he ordered “Lunch No. 3 Curry Chicken Rice” at the restaurant that day, and found the above situation following asking regarding the lunch box. He also emphasized that he did not Any processing, “I swear that Zhang Xiang has never eaten box lunch before. If there is no lightning strike, he will fall down the 18th floor of hell and never be reborn.” The victim pointed out helplessly in the post, “Brother, you are not enough chicken to make a sound, even if it is the last box, you can get two more sausages.”

The relevant post attracted the attention of netizens in the same district. Many neighbors said that they had also patronized the above-mentioned restaurant. better than him”. Another netizen shared that since there was no dine-in due to the epidemic, “a lot of takeaways have become more and more excessive”, and the victim also left a message agreeing, and reminded netizens in the same district to be more careful.



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