The Szanki postman died due to a wasp sting

July 26, 2024 – 08:39

The Sanki postman died while working. Blikk writes the Postal Union’s Thursday to his Facebook post referred to. Regarding the circumstances of the case, the post only states that the death of the delivery driver was caused by a wasp sting, but it is not clear whether the sting caused an allergic reaction or whether the death of the delivery driver in Bács-Kiskun County was caused by something else.

This was not the first time a postman had died on the job recently. A week ago, the delivery man from Kelebia, located in the Bács-Kiskun county, was taken to the hospital in a life-threatening condition after he fell ill while working in the heat of more than 40 degrees. He lay unconscious in the hot sun for a long time before passers-by called the ambulance, and then he was taken to the hospital by helicopter, but they could not save his life.

We sent questions to Magyar Post about the death of the postman from Szanki, and we will update our article with the answers.

Update at 2:30 p.m.: Magyar Posta sent its announcement about the case through MTI, according to which the 54-year-old delivery man died as a result of an allergic reaction caused by a wasp sting. According to reports, the accident happened on July 22, the life of the Szanki delivery man was tried to be saved by the ambulance and the family doctor who arrived at the scene, but he died after being transported to the hospital. The relevant occupational health and safety authority is investigating the circumstances of the death in cooperation with the hospital. Magyar Posta Zrt. considers the postman to be its own dead.

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