2023-12-19 08:30:42
Margaux Fodéré / Photo credits: Serge Tenani / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP
From January 1, 2024, the rules of the MaPrimeRénov’ system will change. The amounts will increase and it will be possible to receive aid of up to 90% of the 70,000 euros of work but on one condition: carry out larger works.
If you are planning to renovate your home with MaPrimeRénov’, find out well beforehand. From January 1, 2024, the amounts will increase. It will be possible to receive aid of up to 90% of 70,000 euros of work, but on one condition: carry out larger works. According to a study by Effy published on Monday, the poorest households might benefit.
Subsidized total renovations
Forget so-called single-action work like changing just a window. From now on, if you want to benefit from MaPrimeRénov’, you will have to add something else to the operation such as the installation of a wood boiler or even go as far as a complete renovation of your home to increase the aid, explains Audrey Zermati of the firm Effy. “The example we took is a household with very modest resources which occupies a sieve and which will carry out work for a three-grade jump. We estimated the cost of this work at 63,000 euros including tax. In 2023 , the aid to which this household was entitled was 39,565 euros. With the new reform, this household will be entitled to 10,000 euros in additional aid,” she explains.
An exception for the installation of a heat pump
On the other hand, there is one type of work that you can always do thanks to the Bonus, without combining it with another, that of changing the heating system by opting for a heat pump. As long as your income is not too high. “For four people in Ile-de-France, [il ne faudra pas gagner plus] of 82,000 euros in income. For these households, PrimeRénov’ was no longer possible. They will have to go on a course of global renovation anyway,” she says. It remains to be seen whether the French will want to engage in large-scale renovations, because despite the aid, inflation continues to weigh on on their purchasing power.
#system #favors #modest #major #works